What You Must Know About Skin Mole Removal Before You Carry On

8th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

So, you want to have a mole removed from your skin. Perhaps the thing has been bothering you for a long while and you have considered it a considerable time. Maybe you just started having this impulse today. Whatever the truth might be it’s vital to grasp one or two facts up front before you go for a certain type of removing moles strategy.

In this post I will tell yousome more on the different strategies that are used to remove moles. Which one is the better to pick, typically depends on the kind of mole that you want to shed. It will be important to debate with your doctor any worries you have.

You ought to have your doctor inform you about the benefits and downsides for different mole removal procedures, and which methodology he believes is best for the type of mole that you suffer with. Then, youwill have to decide based on that information.

Also, it is wise to think about the amount of scar tissue that the different techniques will leave on your skin. Some methods are more distressing then others, and some leave a bigger mark after the procedure is performed.

Excision method with Stitches

This procedure for mole removal includes cutting into the skin deep enough to remove all of the mole skin tissue, and stitching the skin afterwards to avoid bleeding. This is a strategy performed for moles that are believed to be cancerous or for moles that are flat on the skin surface.

Excision with Cauterization

Like excision with stitches, this takes away the mole by cutting it to full depth and then burning the area with a cautery tool to burn-suture it. Burning the wound will stop it from bleeding. There are no stitches involved in this technique. Regularly patients are very upset with this method as it can leave scarring, and also because the smell of burnt skin is not terribly pleasing to the nose.

Laser Mole Removal

This procedure is comparatively new, and uses laser equipment to get rid of skin moles. It does not involve any cutting or stitching, which is definitely a nice thing. This is based purely on the evaporation of the tissues removed. This process is not suggested when dealing with moles that are found very deep in the skin, since the laser light can not penetrate the skin deep enough to get rid of the mole fully.

Shave Biopsy or Mole removal Freeze

This technique is mainly used for moles that protrude above the skin. Step one is to numb the area of the mole by applying pain-killer. After the skin is satisfactorily numbed, the surgeon uses ascalpel to get rid of the portion of the mole thatis raised above the skin. This will leave a mark of either white skin tissue, or the color the mole was.

After The procedure

After the mole removal procedure, correct care must always be noted. This is to be done in order to avoid any infection that would happen on the wound. Always clean the wound twice each day and cover the wound with a gauze. You ( or the surgeon that executes the procedure ) should always apply antibiotic after cleaning it.

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