Family History May Determine a Receding Hairline

6th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The factors causing a receding hairline can be traced to a variety of conditions. The causes of hair loss can be as varied as the treatments. To learn how to treat your receding hairline you will have to research your physical and genetic background. The effectiveness of the treatments may not be realized even knowing what the cause is.

The most common cause for a receding hairline is genetics. These inherited genes are normally transferred through the maternal side of the family. It is also more commonly found in males but can also be experienced by females. A number of therapies have been in use and have achieved some success.

Your doctor may refer to your hair loss in one of the following clinical terms. Basic “male pattern baldness” is labeled as androgenic alopecia. A slight amount hairloss is clinically described as alopecia areata When a total loss of hair on the head occurs it is called alopecia totalis. When the whole body loses hair it is labeled alopecia universalis.

You will want to find a treatment matter what type of hairloss you are experiencing. The remedy used will depend on the source of the hairloss. Once you have discovered the cause, which sometimes is quite difficult, then you can experiment with the various remedies available. The array of therapies is quite diverse and can be topical, prescription medications or possibly some type of vitamins.

Some hair loss can be simply due to sudden or recurring stress in your life. Anxieties can occur after the death of a close relative, marital problems or health concerns. Your family physician should be your first source of diagnosis and relief. Once the situation causing the stress has been resolved your hair could return possibly without medication. Simply applying some medicinal ointments to the scalp will help.

Illnesses can oftentimes cause receding hairline. Cancer patients receiving chemotherapy treatments almost always will experience hair loss. The hair seems to return at the end of the chemo sessions. Although it may not be quite the same as was there originally, it is still hair. Patients get through this time by wearing a wig or scarf or by simply shaving their hair at the start of the treatments. It is very acceptable for a lot of people who have chosen to shave their heads.

Some studies on environmental factors have indicated that smoking can also be a reason for a receding hairline or baldness. One more point to stop smoking now.

Ongoing research is revealing new and successful ideas for treating hairloss. Vitamin E for instance has been seen to be very effective. They have uncovered certain genes that can be manipulated to produce some hair growth.

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