Panic Away Vs Linden Method

5th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The net is inundated with Panic Away and Linden method reviews. This is not a surprise as both self-help programs clearly surpass head and shoulders above all online, miracle, anxiety cures. Both programs have been widely praised for their effectiveness in successfully treating panic attacks and anxiety; they have been around for a number of years and lasted the critics of lots of antagonists.

Which program is the best? Let us evaluate the two programs and then come to a decision which the better one is.

“Panic Away” and “The Linden Method” make use of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Scientists proved that CBT is the most efficient way to treat lots of emotional and psychological problems like phobias, anxiety, panic attacks and depression. .

However, both programs are different in technique, support and scope.

Panic Away learns you the well-known “One Move Technique” and how to utilize it in a variety of scenarios such as when you are driving a car, taking train or plane. The aim of the “One Move Technique “is to end the cycle of panic attacks and to reduce your general anxiety level back to zero.

Charles Linden, the author of the Linden Method, claims that anxiety is caused by a malfunctioning of the Amygdala. This gland is located within the brain and its primary role is to process and memorise emotional reactions such as anxiety. The Linden method consists in re-educating the Amygdala to its original behaviour and to prevent future panic attacks.

Interesting to know is that the Linden program has an audio recording, called “The Panic Attack Eliminator” which learns you an equivalent technique as the “One Move Technique” from Panic Away.

You can use the Linden Method to treat a broader range of anxiety disorders than Panic Away, as it re-educates the Amygdala which causes anxiety disorders like for example generalised anxiety, panic attacks, phobias or obsessions.

There is as well a difference in support between both programs.

Joe Barry, the writer of Panic Away, provides alimitless one-to-one coaching via email.

The Linden Method provides twelve months unlimited email and telephone consultation 24-7. Your questions will be answered by a competent and knowledgeable support team.

To conclude, the “One Move technique” from Panic Away, is a renowned method. It is a technique of soothing your panic attacks. The “Linden Method” is a more profound program. You learn to retrain your Amygdala and can as a result, be used to care for a wider range of anxiety related disorders. It is a steady process that works over time and through regular practice.

In this article, I tried to provide you with another standpoint than nearly all Panic Away and Linden method reviews. Panic Away or The Linden Method? The ultimate pick is yours; the best program really relies on your requirements and your own condition.

In addition to the Panic Away and Linden method reviews you can find more natural anxiety treatment programs at

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