A Simple Panic Attack Remedy That’s Quick

30th December, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Don’t trust anxiety medication and after a safer and natural Panic attack remedy? Fortunately for those that prefer natural solutions for health problems there’s an array of treatments to choose from. To name a few natural alternatives for anxiety; hypnotherapy, aromatherapy and herbal remedies are growing in popularity. In this post we shall look at common alternatives available and the methods of treatment.

Herbal remedies are widely available to treat a range of health problems, and the use of them extend back thousands of years. In Hawaii, Kava is a popular drink that is used both recreationally and for health purposes. It was only until recently that Kava lost it’s global acceptance as a safe herb for dealing with depression and anxiety. Patients in a study suffered liver damage in one study that single-handedly ruined Kava’s long reputation.

However, it was revealed that the manufacturer who supplied the Kava to the independent study, were using the tops of Kava plants in their products. This is well known by Kava farmers to be poisonous. People who support Kava are not happy about this since its popularity has been diminished by this independent study alone. In the South Pacific, only the root of Kava is used in drinks.

In some countries, Kava is not only used for medicinal purposes but for recreation, and has been used for centuries. As an anxiety and panic attack remedy it has shown promise. It’s calming and relaxing effects does not deliver ill effects such as alcohol. Drank at celebrations and social gatherings, this drink is highly popular with local people. This is because it induces feelings of wellbeing and reduced inhibition.

People who suffer from social anxiety, tend to resort to alcohol in an attempt to hide their shyness. Studies show that social anxiety sufferers, especially men, rely on alcohol to reduce nervousness at social events. Sufferers are likely to find their condition worsen as a result of drinking and some may even develop depression. Because of its non-depressant effects, Kava is a good choice to naturally enhance mood.

Besides this popular panic attacks cure remedy others include, Passionflower, Hops, Motherworts and Valerian. Natural remedies can help lift mood and relieve tension and nervousness. As well as herbal remedies, one can also try other natural methods for treating anxiety like aromatherapy and massage.

People have been using essential oils in aromatherapy for centuries to treat physical and mental conditions. Essential oils can be used in a number of ways, such as in a diffuser, in a bath or in massage. You can combine oils or use them individually to help ease stress or treat a number of problems. Other forms of therapy include hypnotherapy made popular by Paul Mckenna.

By reconditioning the behaviors and beliefs that cause panic attacks, a sufferer can benefit immensely from hypnotherapy. Through deep relaxed states, the hypnotherapist connects to the patients subconscious part of the mind with hypnotic suggestions. Self help techniques such as visualizations, affirmations and EFT can also be effective at breaking old habits and promoting positive ones.

A potent panic attack remedy that most people ignore is simply regular physical exercise. It’s common knowledge amongst mental health doctors that exercise if a powerful antidote for anxiety and depression. Scientific research suggests that exercise helps deplete harmful stress hormones in the body as well as increasing natural opiates in the body. For more on natural remedies to treat anxiety, go to the Panic Attacks Cure help site.

Posted on: December 30, 2009

Filed under: Obesity

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