Natural Panic Attacks Treatment

16th December, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

With various Panic Attacks Treatment to choose from, making the right choice can be tricky. There are more than 20 different medications that are used to treat anxiety. Common anti-anxiety medications include Paxil, Zoloft, Xanax and Klonopin. These medications are also regularly prescribed by doctors for patients with depression. They are also known as tricyclic antidepressants and benzodiazepines.

Anxiety medicine works by balancing chemicals in the brain or central nervous system. Precription medication does not treat the underlying problem, although it can relieve symptoms of anxiety. Rarely does medication cure a sufferer of an anxiety disorder. Panic attacks are triggered by psychological fear and phobias. Breaking free from negative beliefs and behaviors requires time.

Social phobia sufferers normally develop this anxiety disorder from a young age. Years of negative social experiences have reinforced their natural response to panic in front of people. Conditioned behavior requires psychotherapy and through behavioral changes a person can recover. A social phobia sufferer isn’t likely to be able to face their fear with medication alone.

Patients who have severe anxiety rely on medication over long periods, despite the fact that they designed for short-term use. When a person becomes a long term user they are at a greater risk of developing tolerance and dependency. People taking anxiety medication should realize the risks and dangers involved. Most drugs are addictive and anyone can become addicted to anti-anxiety medication with prolonged use. Even for non-addictive drugs, patients can become mentally dependent and start believing that they need it.

Gradually medication loses its effectiveness and many sufferers find them hopping from one medication to the next or even increasing dosage. This increases the risk of taking medication. This is not to say there aren’t some uses of medication. Some therapists combine the use of medication with behavioral therapy. People with severe cases of anxiety may find medication helpful in these instances.

Another alternative to prescription medication include herbal remedies such as St John’s worts and valerian. These two calming remedies can soothe away tension and anxiety. It’s not uncommon for doctors to prescribe St John’s worts for anxiety and depression. You can find herbal remedies at most health stores. Even though they are safer than medication they should not depended on to treat panic attacks or anxiety.

Currently, behavioral therapy is by far the most successful panic attacks help. It is common knowledge amongst mental health professionals that psychotherapy is the best means for overcoming anxiety. Negative habits and thoughts are the most common causes for panic attacks. When going through behavioral therapy a patient undergoes changes to their beliefs and behaviors. Just like a PC the mind can be programmed and reprogrammed.

When we are confronted with a fear, it’s the subconscious that triggers panic attacks. Through repetition and practice we can change these subconscious reactions and create new behaviors and habits. It’s the same as driving, reading and riding a bike; with practice the once conscious effort becomes second nature. Therapy can help you override the negative programming that your brain has undergone through your life. Click on the link for more information on curing Panic Attacks with therapy.

Posted on: December 16, 2009

Filed under: Obesity

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