If You Take Acai Berry Diet Pills Will You Lose Weight?

7th August, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Everywhere you look somebody is talking about acai berries. The big talk show hosts are talking about them. There are diet books by top authors and author doctors proclaiming them as the top super food of the decade. You can even see acai berries and their health benefits talked about on your local news. What you want to know is will this super food help you.

So, does acai berry help you lose weight? There is no guarantee, but they have helped lots of people. I know that isn’t real helpful, but stick with me for a minute and I will give you some good information. There are two different things that people refer to as acai berries. You have pure acai berries and acai berry related weight loss supplements.

Let’s start by talking about acai berries and why they are good for you. These berries grow primarily in the rain forests of South America. The local people have been harvesting them twice a year and they have been a large part of their diet for hundreds of years. They are full of antioxidants, dietary fiber, and omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids. The antioxidants can help you feel better and have more energy. The fiber helps keep your digestive system regular and can promote weight loss. Omega fatty acids have been shown to have tons of health benefits (that is why fish is supposed to be so good for you). With all that said, there is no guarantee that acai berries will help you lose weight, but a lot of people think they do.

What most people refer to when talking about acai berries and weight loss is the popular acai berry weight loss supplements on the market. These supplements have some of the benefits of acai berries listed above as well as other weight loss ingredients. Some include hoodia which is an appetite suppressant. Others include green tea which can be a metabolism booster. Some include both, neither, or other ingredients that may help you lose weight. You may get great results from these, but some people don’t respond well. If you eat well and do a little exercise, you greatly increase your chances of losing weight.

So does acai berry help you lose weight or not? As I said above, the answer is definitely maybe. If you eat a healthy diet, do a little exercise and take a health supplement like acai berries, you should lose weight. If you take a diet pill but continue to eat fast food 3 times a day while watching TV 8 hours a day, you probably won’t lose any weight. A weight loss supplement like acai berries will help you, but you also have to help yourself.

The author is not a medical professional, has never played one on television, and didn’t even sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night. This information is based solely on personal research and/or experiences. It is intended to be information sharing only and should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease. Whether you are looking for a natural treatment for a condition or want to try acai berry juice supplements, you should consult a medical professional for any diagnoses or treatments you need.

Posted on: August 7, 2009

Filed under: Nutrition

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