Indulge Yourself In Low-calorie Excellence

21st March, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

When you enjoy good cooking, you often remember all of the calories that could be within a dish. Naturally, you’ve got to keep an eye on your waistline, right? Well, the truth is, you could have your cake and eat it too! Healthy recipes, carefully selected, taste every bit as good as the fattening versions. In order to be trim, follow these tips to have a delicious diet without guilt. Click her for some healthy baked cod recipes.

Whenever you want to reduce weight, the total bottom line to success is controlling the complete volume of calories you have taken in each day.

Let’s say you’re going to have a low calorie recipe which consists of a offering of fruits in a cup. Boring dishes cause it to be more unlikely that you’ll stick with your menu. That dull fruit cup can easily be dressed up with a small number of tablespoons of non-dairy whipped topping or plain yogurt. Mix in a sprinkling of shredded dry coconut and now you have happy tastebuds. Any excess calories are few, but more recently you’ve got a low-calorie recipe you look forward to eating! Click here for some easy shrimp recipes.

There are actually a good amount of calorie counter books available. Read through one or two and choose one with extensive lists that include branded products. Must you choose not to cook from scratch, those branded product lists inform you the calorie count of say, a slice of processed American cheese. A very good calorie counter book lets you modify or substitute ingredients while knowing the exact calorie count of your modified creation.

Browse the cooking portion of any magazine rack. You’ll often find many magazines dedicated to low-calorie recipes. Surf a few until you find one or two that contain recipes that appeal to your personal taste. Pass on those that seem too spartan or stingy for the palate.

Check out ethnic cookbooks. Mediterranean cuisines, particularly the Italian and French coastal dishes, are best known for mouthwatering and healthy low-calorie recipes. Other tempting examples can be found in Middle Eastern and Indian dishes, replete with vegetables and fragrant seasonings that pack a pleasing punch of savory goodness.

Low calorie recipes with imaginative seasonings can turn plain green beans into gourmet fare. Take that can of green beans – sorrowfully plain by itself – include a teaspoon of garlic, a 1/2 teaspoon of thyme as well as a light dousing of pine nuts together before steaming. The result – a flavorful side dish fit for company. As a nutritional bonus, know that garlic lowers cholesterol, while thyme fights infection naturally.

Everyone knows that salt causes water retention. Salting food might generate a discouraging effect on your outlook and results. Get yourself a good seasoning book and consult the index for herbal salt substitutes.

So, you can see that well balanced recipes needn’t be dull or taste like hospital food! Do count your calories. Employ seasonings into your menus. Watch the pounds vaporize!

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