Delicious Low Carb Desserts For You

26th February, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Low carb does not have to taste awful. What’s made it so hard for me to stay on a diet and lose weight is my sweet tooth. I love chocolates, I adore cakes, and I never pass up on desserts! But you could enjoy all those sweets and STILL lose weight and stay healthy. There are a lot of sweet and yummy desserts in low carb diets. As a matter of fact, the selection is so vast that it would take you a long time to get through all of them!

Depending on how low carb your diet is requiring you to stay, your options for low carb desserts will vary. Flax meal or coconut meal muffins with sugar substitutes such as stevia or sucralose would be ideal for one on a strict low carb diet. For those who can cut a bit more slack on their diet, then fruits or, better yet, cheesecake can be eaten. Cheesecakes are already low carb to begin with; but if you tweak it a bit and remove the crust or replace it with something healthier, you will hit the jackpot! Even many of my friends who can’t bear to be on a low carb diet think the cheesecake tastes pretty good!

You must have heard of sugar-free chocolates. For sugar free chocolate, they replace the sugar with sugar alcohol, which isn’t great for you, but it’s ok once in a while. I’ve personally found that sugar alcohol does still spike my blood sugar some, but not as much as real sugar does. You can also try dark chocolates if sugar alcohol and other artificial sweeteners just won’t cut it for you. Try buying chocolates that contain over 75% cocoa. You might not like how dark chocolates taste at first, but you will get used to it. You can take things gradually, starting at 75% cocoa content then up to 80%. Some people already balk at chocolates above 85%, but there are others who do enjoy them, even those at 100%. You can also make your own chocolates, especially if you have culinary skills. Make your own truffles by mixing almond pieces or coconut flakes with melted chocolate. You can even add a dash of whiskey to make some alcoholic truffles! If chocolate isn’t your thing, then how about a cereal low in carbs?

Since low carb desserts are not largely sold anywhere, you can make them yourself. You can go on the internet and find many recipes for low carb muffins, cheesecakes and other desserts. Baking powder, butter and egg are still the key ingredients; you can buy the other special ingredients at grocery stores or supermarkets. Many people have come up with ways of creating the same foods that they used to enjoy before they went on the diet but without the carbs. You have to exercise caution when tweaking recipes, however, because the margin of error is very slim. For instance, if coconut flour is what you’re using, you would need to add more eggs than you usually do if you are using normal flour.

There are a lot of recipes to try out and a lot of desserts to eat. Look at this as a journey to discovering a new cuisine. Low carb is not AT ALL boring. You’d actually find yourself exercising more creativity than usual!

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