The Health Rewards From Having Banana Smoothies

9th December, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

With many people getting more health-conscious and looking far more meticulously at the nourishment that they eat, smoothies are getting to be even more widely used. The more affluent amongst the health conscious under thirty-five year olds seem to be the sector of the population who buy the most ready-made smoothies.

If only they realized that home-made smoothies are even better for them, they would all be rushing out to buy a smoothie maker! You will find none of the colours, flavours, preservatives or sweeteners sometimes found in the ready-made versions if you make them yourselves at home. Store-bought smoothies are often heat treated too, this lengthens the shelf-life but many people believe that nutritional value is lost in the process. If you would like a simple and tasty recipe, make use of the weblink to check out spinach smoothies – just one from the good range at Best Buy Smoothie Maker.

If you are new to home smoothie-making, bananas are one of the easiest fruits to get started with. Bananas have many health benefits and taste delicious, either on their own as a single fruit smoothie combined with probiotic yogurt or, as a mixed fruit smoothie combined with fruits such as strawberries, raspberries or blueberries.

It is perhaps surprising to find that the vitamin which is so important for maintaining our immune system health is found in abundance in bananas. This is vitamin B6 and is often also called the “feel-good” vitamin because it is vital in the conversion of Tryptophan to Seratonin which has a natural soothing and calming action.

Bananas are rich in the fiber that is essential if our digestive systems are to function effectively. Getting enough fiber is very important if we are to avoid relatively minor discomforts such as piles and constipation. Prevention of more serious problems in the long term should also be considered when it comes to taking in enough fiber in our diets. These problems include cancers of the bowel and colon.

Bananas are also a rich source of minerals such as potassium and magnesium. These two minerals are both very important in lowering our chances of getting Osteoporosis. Potassium helps prevent excess calcium being excreted in urine. The calcium needed for healthy bones, needs to be in balance with magnesium if it is to be absorbed efficiently. Low Potassium levels have also been linked with an increased risk of high blood pressure and the problems that this brings.

So now that you know how even a humble banana can have great health benefits, why not get started on making your own delicious healthy smoothies at home? The blended fruits in smoothies are mixed smoothe, making it really easy for our bodies to absorb all the nutrients. By getting a smoothie maker and making smoothies for yourself at home, you will save yourself money on the cost of the ready-made versions and also get a great boost to your health too.

To obtain great tasting smoothie recipes that will be brimming with fruit benefits along with reviews of the best smoothie maker units and where to find them at the best prices, follow this link to head over to Best Buy Smoothie Maker internet site straight away!

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