Appreciate Good Health. The Loss Of Your Eyesight Or Hearing Would Make Things So Much More Complicated And Stop You From Doing So Many Things You Enjoy

8th April, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Every person has diverse interests and hobbies which they become interested in as life goes on. Frequently these may be things which we are encouraged by parents or teachers to take an interest in whilst we are youngsters. Others we are told about by friends. Some we find ourselves after hearing about them or seeing them on television and others may stem from jobs we have had. There are some that we will stop enjoying as we become older and others that we can only start participating in once we reach a certain age.

I have a relative who has always been into sewing, and she has created some amazing garments over the years. But she is now having problems with her eyesight, and until the full scope of her complaint is properly diagnosed, she cannot find out if help is available to improve her sight. But if not, she will have to stop doing the thing which she enjoys most.

This got me thinking about some of my hobbies and how a number of of the things that I love doing would probably no longer appeal to me if my eyesight became very bad or I started to lose my hearing. Since my very favourite addiction is music – listening to it, going to experience my favourite artists live, going to music festivals and collecting music related memorabilia, I can’t even begin to comprehend how I would react if I could never play my favourite tracks by my favourite musicians ever again.

But then, many of my other hobbies depend very much on being able to see. I read as much as I can and always have a massive pile of books which I like the look of and am trying to make the time to sit and enjoy them. I have fun going out with my camera, so not being able to see properly to get a good photo would be extremely frustrating in the first place, but then not even managing to see at all to enhance the photos using computer software would be more frustrating still.

I love watching many different sports, and although I assume that if I was watching a game on television, the commentator’s words would articulate what I couldn’t look at for myself, I’m not entirely sure that I would enjoy myself as much attending a football match if I couldn’t see with my own eyes what was occurring on the pitch. Something else I enjoy doing is visiting historical buildings, museums and art galleries, and I believe it must be truly dreadful to not be able to view stunning pieces of art or beautiful pieces of architecture.

But that’s just a selection of my interests! There are countless different things that people enjoy doing in their spare time, and the prospect of participating in a lot of them would be much affected if the eyes cannot function properly. As experienced by the person I referred to at the beginning of this article, any arts and crafts related hobbies would become impossible to do as well as things including woodwork and DIY. Those who participate in some sports or other outdoor hobbies, including rock climbing or bird watching, would find it far more difficult to continue getting involved with poor sight.

Obviously, not all sight or hearing difficulties are untreatable or permanent, so many people can generally return to what they love doing following diagnosis and treatment. Sometimes that treatment can be as straightforward as prescription drugs if the issue is the result of some kind of infection. In other situations, external help can resolve things – a hearing aid, reading glasses, contact lenses or something like that, but with some hobbies these are not suitable. For an individual who participates in water sports and cannot have glasses or lenses because of the water splashing, Laser eye treatment is a possibility to help with ongoing participation, and as far as surgical procedures go, Laser eye surgery is one of the cheaper operations to have carried out.

Other more severe conditions may take longer to diagnose and then demand more complicated treatment, but, for the eyes, Laser eye surgery is a fairly quick and easy fix for a number of complaints. Also, for some types of hearing problems, surgery is a option too.

I have some minor eye problems which are corrected by glasses (unfortunately Laser eye not usually available for my complaint), and I find it a nuisance constantly having to have my glasses with me, but just thinking about what people have to give up if they can no longer hear or see properly makes me grateful that I can still see clearly enough to do the things I like most, and fortunately my hearing is just perfect, despite a lifetime of loud music!

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