A Glance At Varicose Veins

30th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Many people today have to suffer through one form or another of vein issues, but varicose veins seem to be the biggest problem. Some only have to worry about how this condition affects the look of their body, and experience slight pain time to time. However, there are many who have to face serious problems because of it.

A vein that twists, swells, and enlarges, is known to be varicose. This is usually quite visible on the skin’s surface because it bulges, raises, and is usually blue, red, or flesh colored. Typically, this happens on the legs, although other parts of the body can be affected. To look into this subject further, nori mi veign clinic is an excellent place to start.

Bad circulation is usually the main cause of this problem. The valve in a vein becomes damaged and weak, and instead of pushing the blood towards the heart, it back flows and collects in the vein. The more the blood backs up, the bigger the vein appears, and that is when it becomes varicose. More people over the age of fifty are affected by this, and of those people over that age, at least half of them suffer from this problem.

Among the factors that can contribute to this condition developing are age, weight, and lack of movement. Age is a factor because as you get older, so does the body and the vein valves weaken. Weight is a factor because you put extra pressure on the veins in the legs. Also, lack of movement is a large factor because it affects your circulation. Standing for long periods and sitting, especially with crossed or bent legs, affects the flow of blood through the legs.

The reason the legs seem to be the primary spot for this to happen is because of all the pressure that is put on them every day. No other body part has to carry the body’s weight, deal with the force of gravity, and work so hard to get the blood flowing from the bottom of the body up to the heart. All that work and pressure can sometimes be too much on the vein valves.

Symptoms vary person to person, especially if they are not clearly visible. Even if they have not swollen or bulged, other things may occur that signal something is happening. Throbbing, cramping, swelling and heaviness in the legs are all symptoms, as well as aching pain that gets worse when sitting or standing, and should be checked out.

Besides cosmetic issues, most people only experience a bit of discomfort with this condition. However, sometimes this can lead to something serious. Sores and ulcers can appears due to the long-term affect of blood backing up. Those sores and ulcers may not heal without help or take a long time to heal. Blood clots can also be a worry, as they may form causing swelling and pain. If not treated, they could travel up the body into the lungs, which can be fatal.

Many times, people that suffer thread veins experience some slight pain and an ugly reminder that they are there. However, if pain is continuous, a doctor from nori michigan vein clinic should look at them right away. This affliction may be a part of life for some, especially due to age, but a healthy circulation in the body can slow down the development greatly.

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