Safety Tips You Absolutely Need To Know For The Next Hockey Season

24th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Irrespective of the types of sports or games you play, either as a leisure activity or as a professional, you should be aware and look after your personal safety. If are playing basketball for instance, you must have a proper pair of basketball shoes, or if you’re playing soccer, you must have a quality pair of soccer shoes or boots footwear to protect your feet. You have to remember that safety always comes first. In this article, I will be discussing about a few safety advice for the increasingly popular sport, Hockey.

Hockey is a sport in which knowing all the hockey safety tips is vital because otherwise you can’t prevent injuries from occurring simply because of the way the game is played. From flying hockey sticks to hard rubber pucks that get frozen before games and sharp blades on skates, there can be a lot of dangers. You will suffer with a good bruise at the very least if you get hit by a puck. When it comes to hockey you actually hope that’s all that’s going to happen. Then there are other problems that can arise such as sprains, muscle pulls and so on. Yes, there are plenty of dangers in hockey. That is why hockey players always need to be fully aware of what is going on all the time. This article will present a few hockey safety tips vital to preventing any serious injuries from occurring.

Hockey skate selection works best when rules by common sense and not the coolest style. A good fit is important in hockey skates. Don’t wear skates that are too small as they may injure the foot. There are several things to consider; your feet will hurt which will be a distraction during play. Players who are distracted are at a great risk for injury. It’s also important for skates to provide a proper amount of support. Hockey skates should have a protective plastic cup that is designed to protect the toes. It’s also important to take good care of the skates to keep them in top condition. Part of this is keeping skate blades sharp. One piece of protective equipment that is common to other sports is the cup that provides protection for the groin. It may not be unique to hockey but with pucks and sticks flying high and fast, it’s a very important protective measure. Use the cup by placing it inside the insert found on the shorts the cup came with. One other option is to use the cup with an athletic supporter in the absence of these special undershorts. Do not ever practice or play hockey without using a protective cup in order to avoid the particularly painful injury that could happen without it. No one wants to even contemplate the pain of a full on hit to the groin from a hockey puck without groin protection. When you stop and think about it, we are confident you do not want to experience that kind of pain. Don’t risk it!

Face masks are required in all leagues below professional hockey at every age group. These face masks are permanently affixed to the helmets that are worn. Helmets with face masks are important for all levels of play, even pickup matches played on open ice. The primary reason being to protect your face from damage by pucks and sticks that are part of a hockey game. A few players continue to complain that the face masks actually interfere with their ability to see well enough to play hockey. Despite the complaints, face masks are a requirement for most youth hockey leagues.

It is vital that you are aware of hockey safety tips as they can prevent sever injuries from taking place. Nothing can replace preparation, quality safety gear and good judgment.

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Posted on: March 24, 2011

Filed under: Nutrition

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