Can Back Pain Be Effectively Treated By A Physiotherapist?

22nd March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Back ache is among the most widespread types of conditions reported by patients. Two out of every three men and women have to endure back problems, the most frequent type being a disc problem. This crops up where the spine and its vertebrae come to be twisted or bent forward allowing the back of the joint to open. This lets a disc stick out in the opposite direction, creating a pressure for the nerve behind it as it emerges from the spinal cord. It is this that creates swelling and painfulness.

The most widespread way for individuals to get this kind of injury is from the incorrect lifting of heavy loads. However, just bending awkwardly or prolonged stooping can easily cause problems for the spinal column. This demonstrates the need to implement safe gardening and lifting practices.

Sciatica, (Latin for ‘pain down the back of the leg’), is generally brought about by by trapping the sciatic nerve in the lower back. It is actually a relatively common form of back pain. The pain sensation from sciatica can be considerable and debilitating but this is not always the case and the good news is physiotherapists can do something about it.

By understanding how techniques can affect and change the mechanics of the spinal column, back pain can easily be alleviated. Therapists can treat it using a variety of techniques, one of which is the Mackenzie Exercise Regime. The Regime helps to educate patients how to respond when they first become conscious that their back is in difficulties. Simple stretching exercises and special ‘push ups’ help adjust the mechanics of the back and help move the discs back into the proper position.

Another technique used by physiotherapists is connective tissue manipulation (CTM). It works because the movement of the tissue by the therapist produces a short, sharp, nervous stretch response that creates an impulse that spreads through the connective tissue. The person’s brain will convert the impulse as if it had been a scratch to the skin. The reflex itself is a tiny impulse that passes through the fluid in the connective tissue and releases tension. This lowering of tension around the blood vessel walls enables more blood to flow into the damaged area, thus reducing inflammation. Softening the connective tissue enables more movement to happen without having irritation and discomfort for the patient.

If you suffer from back discomfort, it is a good plan to visit your local physio to see the things they are capable of doing for you. A local physio can be found using a geographical search term in Google such as ‘London physiotherapist‘.

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