Best Abs Workout Guide

22nd March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Are you looking for accurate information on the best abs workout? Tired of searching through numerous sites? I may be able to help! I would like to present you with this no nonsense article on the best abs workout.

As we all know belly fat is made up primarily of poor dietary habits and low or no exercise routines at all. Majority of people think that going to the gym and doing mundane workouts such as weights and cardio will help their cause. Well, here is some news for you. Not all these types of exercises will get you to your goal.

3 Best Abs Workout Proven to Help

High Intensity Interval Training – This type of training is about mixing high intensity bursts with moderate recovery periods. For example depending on your fitness level, if you are a beginner you could start yourself by brisk walking.

Following a good 15 minutes of brisk walking, move towards slow jogging for 10 minutes. Since that you are properly warmed up I suggest short 25-50 meter dashes, brisk walk to recovery for 30 seconds and repeat.

Repeating this for a good 3 x 10 reps should suffice. If you are more on an advanced level I would suggest that you increase you distance and shorten your recovery period. Also instead of brisk walking for active recovery you could slow jog.

Turbulence Training- Is most recognized due to its intensity, duration and effectiveness. This type of training is fast circuit movements using either gym weights or you own body weights.

Duration of exercise is normally short and intense moving from one equipment to another. For example, you could use 3 different machines simultaneously. Bench press 1 set, quickly move to legs 1 set then dumbbells another set then repeat from start.

This is done to give a 30 seconds rest in between exercises and allow for a fast shift between movements. Once you have completed2 whole sets you could choose another 3 machines and work the same routine through that.

Full Body Workouts- This is one of the best abs workout to lose belly fat fast and effectively. Plus, it also includes women as well. This is also considered to be much more effective then doing a 40 minute cardio. Dead lifts, dumbbell rows, step- ups, pull downs, bench press; front squats are examples of exercises that would give you a full body workout.

Overall incorporate these best abs workout routines in your workout and you will see the difference.

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