How To Prepare For A Cycling Event

15th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Each pro cyclist know that time is everything . They count their hours spent in the saddle and their average speed during those hours. They measure time expended in each heartrate sector and record how long it takes to recover. Its their job to use time as efficiently as possible . Recreational bicyclists also endeavor to be productive on the jobbut because that typically means sitting at a PC, not on a saddle, their efforts regularly come at the expense of well-being and health. Nevertheless it doesn’t need to be that way : Many cycle riders find theyre more profitable at work on the days they ride. These are some ways to make space in your life for cycling.

PUT IT ON THE CALENDAR each week, schedule 3 rideswhether you are going with your spouse, your youngsters, a group or alone. Let everybody in your life know that these times are a concern for you.

USE THE BUDDY SYSTEM organizing to meet somebody for a ride means youll be less likely to blow it off when things get busy. Bonus : Riding with a chum makes the miles pass quicker, too.

GO FOR THE GOAL Set a cycling-related goal and tell others about your aim. Whether you are entering a race or simply looking to lose a couple of pounds, the simple fact of the commitment will help you make riding a priority.

BE PREPARED your cycle should be prepared to ride at every point. If youve ridden in the rain or had a flat, be totally certain to scrub the chain or replace the spare tube and CO2 cartridge in your seat bag as soon as attainable. Keep your cycling clothes and niknaks in the same place so you dont have to fool around chasing them. And if you end up with some unexpected free time, youll be prepared to roll out quickly .

Read up to date and relevant news referring to cycling and bike tours, by going to

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