Taking Care Of The Health Of Your Employees

23rd February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

As an employer, you have a responsibility to take care of your employees’ health. You know that the only way they can do a good job for you is if they are feeling well and in good health. If they are sick, uncomfortable and in bad overall health, they are not going to be productive. Also, sickness sometimes is contagious. Therefore, it’s your job to keep up on the health of those who work for you. While much of this is their responsibility, there are things that you, as their employer, can do to help them be healthy and avoid serious problems.

One of the first places to begin helping your employees is to consider their work offices. There should be sufficient lighting so that no one has to squint to see. Avoid harsh lighting by investing in lights that are gentle on the eyes. If there are windows, make sure that the sun can get through. It has been proven that direct sunlight helps people think more clearly, have better attitudes and be more productive.

Allow your workers to have the freedom to move around during the day, as this will allow them to relax and give their bodies a break. Of course, there must be limits, but every employee should feel free to take an occasional break to stretch, visit with some co-workers, grab a snack and get back to work. People are more likely to be productive if they are able to relax throughout the day. If employees feel like they boxed in, unable to relax, they will not do a good job and they will begin to recent their work.

The ideal situation is to have a separate room for the workers to go to eat and relax. While this may seem irrelevant, it’s important to remember that they need a change of atmosphere for part of the day. Just a simple room with some meeting tables will be more than enough to allow workers to relax, eat lunch and socialize.

The temperature of your building is very important. If everyone is complaining that it is too hot or too cold, try to make it better for them. Just purchasing some fans for some of the offices may help employees be more comfortable during the day. There can also be some drama in the office over the setting on the thermometer. Don’t allow this to happen. Instead, set the temperature at a reasonable place and leave it there.

Another thing to consider is the type of chairs that your employees are using. They need chairs that are adjustable and comfortable. The best choices for employees are ergonomic chairs. These will allow them to have the necessary support for their backs, arms and legs. Sitting at work for days on end without proper support is going to make it hard for employees to stay healthy. This will result in doctor visits and absences due to the many aches and pains your workers will develop. You can avoid many of these problems by providing your workers with solid, supportive chairs.

The health of your employees is not just about their bodies. It’s important to remember that each one has a life outside of the office. Each has their own set of problems that include families, bills and concerns. While you can’t fix these things, you can be aware of the fact that people do have problems and rather than fight against that, you can help by being understanding. This may mean listening to them, suggesting counseling or a vacation, or just letting them know that you are genuinely concerned. It’s one thing to go to work every day for an uninvolved boss who does not care. It’s so much more pleasant to work for a boss who really cares about you and your life.

It’s not easy to be an employer. You have the responsibility of the whole company on your shoulders and spend hours keeping everything running smoothly. Try to remember that the health of your employees will allow them to be better workers, which will result in less stress and greater productivity. This will ultimately result in employees who feel an investment in the company and will thus do their very best work each day.

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