More Patients Improved From Propranolol

19th February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you were the chronic sufferer of headaches or if you were the doctor called on to treat the problem, finding a workable cure is not easy. In addition, there are different forms of head pains and different causes. One widespread type is primarily a dental problem and is brought on by a bad bite.

Jaw joints located in front of the ear are applied in pressure when teeth chew and grind food. If you have already placed your fingers in front of your ears, start chewing. Your jaw joint and muscles’ rippling can be felt. If the bite is not at all perfect, pain may develop. For dentistry news and education visit dentist sydney.

At both sides of the head or at one side are where headaches occur but mostly, it is felt around the temples. The pain is felt even more when you chew on food, gum or otherwise flap your jaw. Also, it can be severe if you keep clenching your jaws when under tension. Dentists and doctors call this disease TMJ for short.

Put your fingers into your ears and chew to indicate whether a headache is induced by TMJ disease. It is positive that you have this disease when the pain increases in your ears while applying pressure. This problem may only be solved by the dentist. The dentist will make you comfortable by not having your jaws to jiggle, and with this, there will be balance on your bite, filling off portions of some, teeth and building up others. Keeping the jaws slightly open while sleeping, having a nice brace and regularly exercising your jaws are sometimes recommended. This type of headache is definitely easy to cure and is less serious as compared to those types such as migraines which cause vomiting and nausea. Blood flow at the arteries outside the head increase in migraines. Medicines used for traditional treatment are used to cut down this flow.

The blood vessels’ spasm to the heart was treated using a medicine called propranolol which was developed seven years ago. Heart pain and head pain called angina and migraine respectively are what some patients have, based on the doctors’ observation. With the new medicine used, these patients had their migraines improved. Get a greater insight about sydney cosmetic dentist and other topics on dentistry.

Blood vessels of the heart are enlarged as well as the systemic circulation with propranolol. Blood pressure is being lowered and angina heart pain is relieved in doing this. In one study conducted, half of the patients improved from propranolol instead from placebo wherein 60 migraine patients were given both medicines.

So propranolol obviously works for some migraine sufferers. Side effects that go along with it are irritability, sleeplessness or drowsiness, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Also, the heart and circulation are significantly affected by the drug. An LSD analog is probably still with methergyside, a basic treatment. Some patients actually find propranolol quite useful though its side effects are still under study.

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