The Egg Donors and Egg Donation

17th February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The Egg Donors and Egg Donation

An egg donor is helpful to achieve pregnancy utilizing in vitro fertilization – a woman donates an ovum to another woman so the latter is going to be pregnant. There are a lot of reasons why a woman would elect to become an egg donor, but the most prominent reasons may be the need to assist another woman experience the wonders of motherhood and the large financial payment given to the donor in return for her exclusive gift. While a lot of women may want to become an egg donor there are numerous eligibility specifications which first should be fulfilled. Among these qualifications are being healthy, a non-smoker, non drug user with normal menstrual cycle, most preferably within the age of 21 to 32. She needs to be height-weight proportionate with a family free of genetic abnormalities and birth defects.

The specifications of an egg donor goes beyond the physical, as she ought to be mentally healthy too. She needs to be mature, responsible and compassionate. The potential donor also needs to be flexible considering the length of time and commitment associated with the whole process. It is essential for a woman who wishes to become an egg donor to educate herself on the complete process of egg donation from start to finish.

Some things a potential egg donor should think about are:
What’s my motivation? Are my priorities inclined to the delight of helping others or of the generous payment, or is it both? If it is mainly the money factor for which the decision is based upon, the donor ought to reevaluate based on the following concern.

How will I feel about my decision to donate years from now; especially if the cycle is successful and there are children directly genetically linked to me somewhere out in the world whom I have never met? A potential egg donor should understand that a child born from her donated eggs is considered a half sibling of her own children. While this information may be unsettling to some it is important to remember that the egg donor only donates unfertilized ovum to another couple in which the eggs are then fertilized by the potential father’s sperm. The donor is giving a gift of hope and not an actual child. The donor does not carry the child and the other half of the potential child are the genes from the intended father, a man whom she has never met and never been emotionally involved with. The anonymous nature of the egg donation process is ideal for emotional reasons.

A potential egg donor should not be emotionally connected to her genetic material.
Do I have the time and flexibility to commit to something so profound? A typical donor cycle can last anywhere from 3-5 months with many required doctor visits. You should be prepared to adjust your schedule as needed. It is important to stay committed and complete the cycle as directed by the physician; changing your mind or not following physician’s instructions could lead to an emotionally and financially devastating situation for the intended parents.

Agreeing to become an egg donor is no easy decision, but when you decide to do so, you would have surely given someone a once-in-a-lifetime gift. Becoming egg donors can be both emotionally and financially rewarding

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Posted on: February 17, 2011

Filed under: Nutrition

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