A List of Possible Causes for Leaky Gut

1st February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are many and varied causes for leaky gut syndrome. What is important to know about all of them is that they all somehow cause damage to the digestive system.

To better understand some of them it might be good for us to discuss some popular causes. Alcohol due to the strength and nature of the drink will cause linings in the intestinal wall to weaken. So it is advisable to drink less of it not only to avoid leaky gut but for general health as well.

Parasites are also culprits that need to be kept in check to ensure that no damage to the lining happens. Regular purging should be conducted and checkups for the presence of such should be done. Trauma is also a common cause. It used to be the only way for permeability of the intestines to occur. Trauma in medical terms basically means physical injury as differentiated from a disturbing experience.

Stress surprisingly enough is also a cause of leaky gut. High levels of cortisol may inflame the linings and increase permeability.Refined sugars may also be a proximate cause of leaky gut. These can cause yeast to grow which can damage the linings. This becomes more likely to happen when there is a low concentration of good bacteria that might contain the overgrowth of yeast.

Antibiotics are one of the common reasons for bacterial imbalance in the body. As mentioned in the previous item low levels of good bacteria will allow yeast overgrowth. NSAIDS also if ingested too frequently will damage the linings. So alternative methods of pain relief should be considered to avoid such a scenario.

If diagnosed with leaky gut syndrome, it is important to learn what to do. So methods on how to heal leaky gut should be researched and practiced in order to avoid further complications.

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