All About Root Canal Therapy

30th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The dentist Melbourne says, let’s talk about root canal therapy. What is it? Let’s say you have to have one, so sit back and read this article and I’ll tell you all about root canal therapy. I’ll just touch on the basics which will answer most questions for you.

When you have root canal therapy it takes care of the problem you are having with the dental pulp, says the dental care Melbourne. Dental pulp is the tissue within the tooth. If you take a look at this tissue, it contains everything that make the teeth function. This consists of nerves, tissue and blood vessels. This is the main thing that causes tooth aches. Before this became popular, you would loose the tooth, but now things are different. The phenomenon or dismay of the root canal is now these troubles can be fixed.

What are some signs that you mouth may be injured or contaminated. I’ll list a few things that you should be on the lookout for. You will usually have pain when you are eating; your teeth will be oversensitive, especially with hot and cold drinks and if your face is swelling, you might have a contamination. If the pain is really bothering you, you should start doing your research to finding someone. You might not like the idea of root canal therapy, but it is the best way to fix this problem if you want to keep your tooth.

The treatment begins by taking off the top of the tooth. Now the dentist can look inside and examine the soft tissue inside the tooth. The infected part of the tissue is removed, cleaned and put back where it came from. Next, the dentist puts a crown on the top of the tooth. You might think that this procedure is fairly simple, but it is extremely painful. Sometimes you don’t have to be put under for this type of procedure, but in some cases you do. Other concerns are that this might take more than one visit.

You do have side effects to be concerned about. Sometimes your teeth may turn different colors. You can take care of this with bleaching, but that is a whole other procedure completely. Your teeth can become particularly fragile after surgery. What this means is the smallest amount of disturbance can chip or damage a tooth. This is just what is involved with not losing your tooth, but think of the other side of the coin, it’s not too bright.

This is what happens when you have a root canal. It is excruciating, time consuming and costly. But it will by no means save your tooth. If you think this is something that you might have to have done, and then you should contact your dentist today. You want to take care of the trouble before the trouble gets to you.

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