Ajax Funeral Services

20th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Cremation, as a final way of letting go of the dead body, has been practiced for centuries now. For some, it’s still not an accepted preference, yet for some cultures, it is the popular choice. So what really takes place if the surviving family chooses the cremation process for their dead loved one? It is important to know, because we’d all want our dead to have a decent departure. Here is a brief-short summary on the service leading to cremation.

Prior to the actual Ajax cremation procedure, the funeral director of your selected funeral service firm must have the authorization document from the dead’s immediate family. This agreement states that the surviving family allows the cremation procedure for the dead family member, with all the important signatures.

On the day of cremation, the funeral director must make sure that there are no more jewels or any other pieces of metal (be it pacemaker, artificial teeth, metal legs, etc.) attached on the dead person’s body. This is done to be away from any technical mishaps.

After the preparation, the corpse is then positioned inside a wooden casket or cremation container. These types of containers will burn up easily during the cremation procedure. Needless to say, appropriate tagging or identification is done so as not to send the wrong fragments to the living family members.

After carrying out the entire burning cycle, 30 minutes of cooling down is required. It can also be extended up to an hour if the situation calls for it. After the cool-down period, the bone fragments will be subjected to another procedure. The fragments are to be placed on top of a working table whereby the crematory personnel will be tasked to eliminate all the metal debris, either by means of hand or with the use of a big magnet.

After the metal debris has been taken away, the bone fragments are placed in a machine that pulverizes it until it reaches the “ash” consistency. The ash has the consistency of fine powder and it’s usually called as cremains (cremated remains).

The cremains are then enclosed in the family’s selected urn. In the absence of an urn, the cremains will be enclosed in a temporary container.

The cremation procedure is quick and easy. It is also an affordable option, yet it is still a respectable method to say farewell to your dead loved one.

For more information on professional funeral services, visit Ajax funerals today!

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