The Adverse Effects Of Using Tanning Beds While Pregnant

7th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

In recent years, science has decided that a “healthy tan” is a good thing. But rather, it has been discovered that a tan is absolutely nothing but a skin damage. Extreme exposure to Ultra violet rays may also result in cancerous melanoma, one of the most dangerous type of skin cancer. Even though contemporary tanning products help shield the skin from sun damage, spending lots of time tanning still isn’t really advisable. This is correct regardless of whether you are pregnant or not and applies either to outdoor and indoor tanning. With that being said, will it be much more dangerous tanning during pregnancy than it is at any other time?

There have not been any studies which have actually led to declaring that there is certainly any threat to your own baby if you tan while pregnant in both used tanning beds and new beds alike. Even so, there’s still details which suggests a person not to perform it. Regardless how you tan, exposure to sun rays elevate your body temperature. A raise in the mother’s temperature is associated having a larger incidence of spinal malformations in infants. Ask your physician to find out more regarding this particular possibility before you take any risks.

Another link between Ultra violet rays having an effect on the unborn baby has been confirmed by research that concluded that tanning might cause an insufficiency in folic acid in the mother’s human body. This is the substance which inhibits the child from getting born with disorders like spina bifida. The issue is particularly hazardous during the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

Physicians do believe that there is some risk to expectant mothers who make use of tanning beds during pregnancy. While you’re pregnant, your skin is much more prone to burning as well as to developing chloasma. Chloasma is dark splotches that can appear on the faces of pregnant women. As a result, rather than using a glowing tan, you can end up with ugly splotches all over your own face. Are you really prepared to take that chance?

Even done in the safest way possible, tanning isn’t a good idea and actually less so when you are tanning while pregnant. Although you may feel that the way you look will be improved by a tan, is the well-being of you and your child worth the risk?

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