5 Exceptional Styles of Emergency Water Filters

30th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Lots of people do not even know there’s one kind of emergency water treatment system, much less several choices, but when a disaster occurs, or you find yourself in a situation without any clean water, it’s good information to have. Water is the most vital compound in all of our lives, and being prepared often means the difference between life and death. Since a large proportion of bottled water is just a questionable grade of tap water, it’s much better to be able to filter your own should the need happen. Having one of the following devices on hand in the event of an urgent situation might just be your best bet:

1.One of the most simple types of water filtration is filtered drinking straws. These little devices just pop into a glass of contaminated water, and you’re good to go. The straws comprise really fine filters that will remove small contaminants from approximately 132 gallons of water.

2.Another quite simple kind of portable water purification system device is the filtered water bottle. These bottles come in different sizes and comprise fine-mesh filters. A few are even prepared for two-stage filtering for even cleaner water. Once more, you simply pour water straight into the bottle and drink.

3.Pitchers with water filter systems are another step up in the chain. These types of pitchers have changeable filters that will last through 50 gallons of water or up to 2 months. Furthermore they remove contaminants in the water, but they can also make the water both smell as well as taste much better.

4.Counter top water filters actually attach to your water faucet for a constant flow of clean, fresh water. These are designed with twin filter cartridges that can last up to 6 months and can generate around 30 gallons of great-tasting water an hour.

5.Gravity-fed water purification systems are free-standing, convenient models you’ll be able to take with you anywhere. You don’t need substances, water pressure, or even electricity to operate one of these which is great in urgent situations. Some of these devices are self-sterilizing, remove pathogens as well as dangerous substances, and lower the amount of nitrates, nitrites, lead, mercury, plus other harmful minerals.

None of these emergency water filtering devices are extremely expensive and are small enough to be stored away for instances when you will need them. Some of them can even be utilized on a regular basis to improve your tap water. It is preferable to store devices like these instead of bottled water, because bottled water supplies get outdated as well as must be changed each and every couple of months.

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