Ginger Root’s Many Uses

11th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Ginger is a valued ingredient in recipes throughout the world. A wide variety of foods are seasoned with this particular herb covering anything from cakes and cookies to oriental recipes.
Not just a spice, Ginger Root is also a powerful weapon in your arsenal against sickness. This potent root safeguards the stomach and is beneficial in the relief of digestive tract disorders, cleansing the colon. Though powerful enough to relieve nausea caused by chemotherapy treatments, ginger is likewise mild enough to soothe colicky babies or the morning sickness of pregnant women. Ginger can help alleviate diarrhea along with indigestion, motion sickness and vomiting.

Ginger decreases spasms and cramping, which makes it a good choice for the treatment of muscle pain along with the discomfort related to menstruation. Because it helps stimulate the circulatory system, it can also help alleviate poor circulation.

An anti-inflammatory, herbalists advocate Ginger Root to aid with the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Ginger has been valuable in dealing with the symptoms affiliated with ulcerative colitis. Studies indicate that this herb may possibly lower cholesterol and prevent blood clots. Further studies have found that ginger may have some anticancer activity.

A powerful antioxidant, efficient antimicrobial and an anti-viral:  Ginger Root helps fight pathogenic microorganisms like bacteria, fungi and viruses. These qualities also turn it into a useful addition to poultices for wounds and skin irritations.

When consumed, this herb is helpful in shielding the liver, the cleansing of the kidneys, and helping the body excrete toxins. It is typically used to treat the common cold, flu-like symptoms, headaches and other pains.

It is not unexpected that this herb is used in numerous vintage herbal tonics and cleansing herbal blends. Within our household, we like to utilize it within a tea at the very first sign of congestion and enjoy the taste it contributes to stir fry dishes. There are plenty of worthwhile reasons to give this particular supplement an honored spot in your kitchen.


Mince a tablespoon each of ginger root and fresh garlic, add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and honey to taste.

Place ingredients in a cup and add eight oz of boiling water. Permit this to steep covered for ten mins. Filter this through a sieve and drink the liquid.

To be taken upon rising, before eating breakfast.

In a blender, puree the following until smooth. Adjust the ingredients to suit your taste preferences.

* 1 inch fresh ginger, minced
* 1 tablespoon extra virgin cold pressed olive oil
* 1 clove of garlic
* 2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
* 1 apple, chopped small
* ½ small beet, diced
* 1 stick celery, chopped small
* a few sprigs of parsley, chopped small
* 1 cup filtered water

The emulsification of the water and oil are helped by the inclusion of apple cider vinegar. Garlic loses its effectiveness once it’s cut. As a consequence it is best to drink it straight away, before it begins to separate.

If you wish to intensify the impact of this tonic, increase the number of tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil as well as the number of garlic cloves over the span of a few days. For the second day use two tablespoons of oil and 2 cloves, on the third day use 3 tablespoons and 3 cloves, and so forth, but don’t exceed 5 tablespoons and cloves.

Blend and enjoy!

NOTICE: This post is for the reader’s information and enrichment. This isn’t offered in lieu of solid medical advice. The opinions and concepts expressed are fallible and that of the author. It is the obligation of the reader to arrive at his own conclusions and become knowledgeable.

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