Information About Extended Wear Contact Lenses

6th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

In contrast to the daily wear contact lens, an extended wear contact lens may be worn for longer periods. The Food and Drugs Administration licensed these extended wear contact lenses, without removal for up to 7 days. So for people that wish to have vision without glasses these are a good idea.

There are new innovations in extended wear contact lens. There is even a more recent type of contact lens material that allows the oxygen to enter the cornea, this soft get might be worn up to 1 month without removal, the material is named silicone hydrogel. These lenses can stay in your eyes for a month explaining why it is named continuous wear.

During its introduction, a large amount of eye care practitioners are unconvinced of using extended wear contact lens because it increases incidents of eye infection, especially to people who wear it overnight. Extended wear contact lenses poses a hazard to the eyes because of the organisms might be lodged on the lenses. They can thrive on the warm and moist environment and due to the shortage of oxygen to the cornea ; the eye is prone to infection from these organisms. It may only start as pink eye but if it is left untreated it may lead to significant conditions like blindness.

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Because of the booming popularity of the throwaway contact lens, extended wear contact lens is making a comeback. The reason that people obtain eye infections is after they take off their extended lenses and notwithstanding cleaned with contact lens solution it was very unlikely to remove all the proteins and lipids and other deposits accumulated on the lens. If the wearer re-uses the lenses, these deposits, a breeding zone for bacteria could cause infection, inflammation and pain. To stop infection from pollutants in the contact lenses, it is needed to be disposed of right after removing.

Again, the root cause of infection is improper cleaning and disinfecting but you should also consider your way of life. Illnesses caused by exposure from smoke, wearing the contact lens while swimming may result in varied and significant difficulties. You should ask an eye doctor whether an extended contact lens is applicable for your wishes. Go to vision without glasses review for more info.

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Posted on: December 6, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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