Ways To Eliminate Stretch Marks-Revitol Stretch Mark Cream Is What You Are Seeking!

2nd December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Known by doctors as “striae” (usually “striae distensae” or, in the case of pregnancy, “striae gravidarum”) stretch marks commonly appear after rapid weight gain or loss. They are most common during pregnancy and the teen years, when growth spurts and amplified levels of steroid hormones result in major changes throughout the body. Stretch marks can also be brought about by obesity and weight lifting.

In this article, we are exploring the usefulness of the Revitol stretch mark cream. Revitol was developed as a preventive stretch mark treatment.

Stretch marks threaten as many as 90% of all women and they are not easy to remove. Once they have passed the initial stage, when they are red or purple, to the further stages, where they become white or silver – usually with deep indentations – they are much more complicated to deal with. Prevention, therefore, is important. Try to avoid yo-yo dieting. If you are overweight, attempt to lose it gradually (do not attempt to lose more than 0.5 kg (1 lb) a week). Yet, if you are pregnant, there is not much you might do except keep your fingers crossed and think, “this is a small price to pay for a beautiful baby!” Rubbing baby oil on the tummy each night may possibly help. A variety of special creams and oils are promoted for preventing stretch stretch marks, but there is no proof that they are efficient.

Various treatments are accessible to help prevent and get rid of stretch marks, many of them will work but like anything else some of them will not do what they claim. Yet, it would be best for you if you pick a product that is made up of natural ingredients (such as Revitol’s stretch mark cream). Creams are typically the best way to remove the scars from your skin, as other removing techniques such as laser or dermabrasion can be very pricey.

Stretch marks are permanent in the sense that the skin in these spots will never be totally normal. Yet, after a time they contract down into much less evident, thin, whitish scars. You may want to know that surgery is a possibility for tummy stretch marks if you also have a lot of loose skin on the tummy. The operation is a ‘tummy tuck’ (removal of the skin and the fatty tissue beneath). You will be left with scars around the belly button and across the lower stomach. This is not a minor operation and, like all operations, it carries risks. Recovery takes several weeks.

This high grade cream called Revitol is made up of powerful elements like Squaline Oil, Vitamin E, Vitamin A Palmitate etc that are all proven to give nourishment to your skin among other capabilities. Revitol Stretch Marks Cream help keep your skin youthful and more elastic so that stretch marks occurrences are effectively prevented and treated. The positive Revitol stretch mark reviews also state that this lotion is very easy to use, it comes with a money back assurance and it has no side effects. Consequently, if you are thinking about where to buy Revitol stretch mark cream, the answer that you might need is found online. You can purchase it from a specialized website and put an end to your stretch marks problem immediately. Don’t let unappealing stretch marks ruin your good looks and threaten your self esteem. Many women have achieved positive results from using stretch mark cream like Revitol so there is no reason why you have to suffer in silence.

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