How To Keep Your Gums And Teeth Safe From The Ravages Of Disease

27th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Periodontal disease affecting the teeth and gums is a condition millions of people suffer from, maybe even you, and it often goes untreated. Periodontal disease is the name for an infection which permeates the tissues of the gum. These tissues support your teeth. This disease is caused by the plaque forming bacteria that you find in your mouth. You are not able to remove all of this plaque, no matter how diligently you brush and floss. The plaque residue that is left behind hardens and becomes tartar. It is when this tartar forms under the gum line that the gums are in danger of infections which lead to gum disease.

But this unhealthy condition is preventable with proper care. The Pennsylvania Dental Association has long informed the public about the need to keep teeth and gums healthy. The dual stages of gum disease are periodontitis and gingivitis. In stage one, the early phase of periodontal disease called gingivitis, inflammation develops as a result of bacteria that has become lodged between the teeth and gums. The good news is that in this stage, periodontal disease can often be reversed if the patient follows a strict routine of daily brushing and flossing. However, without treatment, the more advanced stage of periodontal disease can develop, resulting in irreversible damage to teeth and surrounding bones, as well as the gums. To understand more about sydney orthodontist visit this resource.

What makes periodontitits so serious is that the tissues holding the teeth to the bone are actually destroyed, which in turn causes the roots to be exposed and increase their decay plus the inflammation and receding gum line will result in possible tooth loss. There are several factors that can increase your risk of developing periodontal disease, including the use of tobacco. Some other factors that may increase risk are systemic diseases such as diabetes; some medications including steroids, some anti-epilepsy drugs, calcium channel blockers, oral contraceptives and cancer therapy drugs. In addition to this there are physical factors like; a bridge that no longer fits snug, crooked teeth, fillings and even pregnancy.

Expert researchers and general dentists may both point out that it is found that those who have gum disease are almost twice as likely to suffer from coronary artery disease. The researchers theorize that bacteria from the mouth hitch a ride in the bloodstream, attaching to the heart’s blood vessels via fatty plaques and causing dangerous, damaging clots to form. There are several action recommended by dentists to help you keep your gums healthy. Floss and brush your teeth two times a day. This is important because after you remove food from the surface of teeth by brushing, flossing removes other residue from areas that a toothbrush can’t reach.

Replacing your toothbrush at least 4 times a year or sooner if the bristles become frayed or worn. Tooth decay can be held off by the use of antibacterial mouth wash, or by using a toothpaste with fluoride. Make sure to maintain a healthy and nutritious diet. Make sure to choose a variety of nutritious foods from the five main food groups of grain, dairy, fruits, meats, vegetables, and pultry. Visit the dentist at least every six months for oral health checkups and professional cleaning. You will find info on sydney invisalign by visiting that site.

Contact your dentist immediately if you notice any symptoms of periodontal disease. The symptons of this disease of the teeth and gums are all unpleasant and include constant bad breath, loosening or separating of permanent teeth, gums that easily bleed, are tender, red and swollen and appear to be pulling away from the teeth, the appearance of pus when the gums are pressed and finally, a change in how your partial dentures fit or how your teeth are aligned.

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