Waxing and Facial Hair Removal Tips

26th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Facial hair on a women and even worse the need to shave it, is not something any women looks forward to. There are many alternatives in women hair removal that demands a closer look.

Some where there should be a rule that only men have hair on their faces, but the truth is that this is just wishful thinking. Women do have facial hair and sometimes this can be a problem for them.. Aside from hair on the cheeks and other unwanted areas, many women look to shape their eyebrows and this implies removing some hair.

An obvious but important aspect is that it must be done carefully and that is why you should be aware of your options. How you do it will depend of how much hair you are talking about. Plucking, both for the eyebrows (as long as the amount is not excessive) and stray hairs is a great and practical alternative as well as inexpensive. It is quite simple and nearly intuitive. With a pair of tweezers catch the offending hair and pull it out. To make it easier you can do this when the skin is warm and pores are open (after a warm bath for example) and pull against the direction in which the hair is growing.

You can also shave, but that is perhaps not the best idea – a five o’clock shadow is not really an option.

What else can you do? The more long term solutions are electrolysis and laser hair removal. And both of these are methods used by many.

Another method that many women do use is waxing.

Waxing Tips:

1. The skin around your face is sensitive skin so the first tip would be to practice waxing over another area, perhaps your legs. Practice makes perfect so when you get around to your face your expertise will be a bonus.

2. You should apply a thin layer of wax over a limited area.

3. Spread the skin tightly as this allows the hair to stand out

4. For better results, be it on the face or elsewhere, you should pull off the wax in one smooth motion and running it against the direction in which the hair comes out.

5. Any remaining stray hairs should be plucked with the use of tweezers.

For Eyebrows:

– Safety first: Whatever you do make sure the eye is safe from wax.
– Apply the wax thinly and spread it carefully as you don’t have room to maneuver.

No Mustache:

– Most is common sense, repeating the process you see above, only do it in stages: one for each side.

Waxing removes the hair from below the skin. It is a temporary solution but over a longer period of time than when shaving, trimming or cutting. Hair will regrow and this period will be from three days onwards. In time after repetition the hair follicle will weaken and this means even longer periods between regrowth.

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Posted on: November 26, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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