What Hypnotherapy Treatment Means

29th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Like most people, you may have encountered some serious life problems and issues. If you have tried looking for a solution from a psychologist Melbourne practitioner, it’s possible that you may have already come across hypnotherapy treatment. If you are still mulling over the idea of undergoing it, you need to find out first what it is all about.

What is this technique?

People often equate this technique with hypnosis. It does involve elements of it since this type of therapy does place an individual in an altered state of consciousness. In such a state, one becomes more susceptible to certain ideas and is generally more relaxed. Experts stress though that this is entirely different from that state that participants in stage hypnosis are under.

In stage trances, participants seem to lose control or free will. In therapeutic hypnosis, control remains with the individual and not the therapist. You become more susceptible to input from a therapist but you can choose to say or do what you want to.

Different strategies or sub techniques may be used by experts. These include symbolism, visualization and suggestion. Regardless of the specific technique used, the main, general goal is to make a person realize that he has full control of his life, habits and conditions and that he has the power to effect change.

How is it utilized?

An alternative term for the technique is hypnotherapy healing. This is because the technique seeks to find solutions to many psychological and biological problems. In general, the technique is sought after by individuals who wish to deal with low self-esteem and tension. This is also a good technique to use to deal with weight issues, lack of sleep, addiction and phobias. For a lot of individuals, the technique has worked to resolve physical problems such as asthma and pain.

Who can undergo it?

The technique is generally safe for majority of individuals from different backgrounds to undergo. Like any other treatment option though, there are some individuals for whom the technique is just not right. These are the people who usually are very resistant or are very skeptical of the technique. They may verbally agree to undergo it but may attempt to resist during the actual process. Thos who try to mentally fight the technique through their beliefs will not be susceptible to suggestion at all.

It is also commonly agreed that people who have very deep, damaging psychological problems shouldn’t be made to undergo the technique. This is especially true for people who suffer from sever psychosis and manic depression.

Who can use it?

Experts from different fields of expertise can use this technique. Those in the areas of family counseling, psychology and medicine may use hypnotherapy. Of course, it would be ideal to opt for a therapist who has solid training in hypnotherapy and who at least has a masters’ degree in his area of specialization. Before deciding to undergo the treatment procedure, assess the qualifications of your chosen therapist.

If other options fail, hypnotherapy treatment from a hypnosis Melbourne practitioner may do just the trick for you. It is best however if you take steps to discover more about this technique before agreeing to undergo it.

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