Stop Teeth Grinding and Avoid Complications

26th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It may seem strange to you when you hear of people who want to find Melbourne dental treatments to stop teeth grinding or bruxism. What you and many others may not know is that this is a true dental issue that needs to be given proper attention. The condition can’t kill you but it can be the cause of other different health issues.

A variety of causes can be identified for teeth grinding. One of the most common causes is the misalignment of upper and lower teeth. It is also possible however for the problem to arise in individuals who are stressed or overly frustrated. In people who have it to a more serious degree, gnashing can occur involuntarily while asleep at night. It is often night grinding that is more alarming.

Grinding is serious because damage can happen. The most obvious casualty in a patient who can’t stop grinding teeth is teeth destruction such as wearing and chipping. The teeth however are not the only parts that can be affected since problems can also arise in the jaws, face, head and bite. At the very least you could suffer from a headache but it’s also possible to experience bite and jaw alignment changes. Other than the issues that may personally plague you, gnashing can also have a detrimental effect on your sleeping companions. Although it isn’t as noisy as snoring, it can produce sounds that can be unsettling for anyone else sharing a room with you.

The best person to ask about how to stop teeth grinding is your dentist. You should especially seek professional help if there are already considerable damages to the different sections of your oral cavity. In most cases, a patient is required to simply use a teeth grinding guard. These are enough to prevent further problems from developing.

Patients can quickly obtain guards over the counter without prescriptions. This however means that there is a need to carefully look over the available choices. Accessible guards are supposed to be one size fits all. In reality though, these general fit products do not fit every single person perfectly. This means the solution may not completely fix the problem.

Problems with fit can be resolved. The best step to take is to opt for a custom made guard. Dentists are generally able to stop teeth grinding through custom products. Dentists first measure the teeth and then mold the correct fitting guard. This is really the only way to ensure comfort and effective problem resolution.

A custom guard is also usually sturdier than those that are generally sold to the public. Because bruxism is a genuine concern, you need to make sure that you invest in the right solution that will last long. Depending on your preferences or needs, your dentist may recommend a double or single wall guard for morning or evening use. You might also be given the option to choose between plastic and rubber materials. In any case, what is most important is that you take action to resolve your dental issue and that you consult the best specialist in your area.

You should stop grinding teeth when you can. This may take more than just willpower. It’s possible that what you really need is to have yourself fitted for your own grind guard.

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