Get That Perfect Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry

25th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The normal type of teeth should not be bright yellow in color nor should it be dark. It has a small hint of yellow and yet when you smile the white is still the dominant color. But this is not the case with a lot of people. Because of this there is an ever growing need for cosmetic dentistry. This is for people who have usually neglected their oral hygiene either because they simply did not brush their teeth regularly or because of their lifestyle like being a chain smoker which can heavily stain their teeth.

Even if you have severely stained teeth there is no need to lose hope because there is an appropriate teeth whitening system to treat it. This is part of the many cosmetic dentistry services that have been formulated to improve the appearance of our teeth, which in turn improves how we look. When considering any treatment that falls under cosmetic dentistry, it is best that you consult with a dentist like Jonathan Hartley who specializes in it.

There are various teeth whitening systems available, just ask your dentist about it. One of the most popular is the take at home type so that you can whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home. This is best if you have a very busy schedule and that even a regular visit to the doctor might be too tasking for you already. You will be provided with your own detailed and custom-made trays which are the exact match for your teeth. This is to ensure that it will feet perfectly and will not loosen up during the whitening treatment. Of course the dentist will provide you with the exact instructions on how to use the home teeth whitening product.

But before we continue, what is cosmetic dentistry in the first place? Cosmetic dentistry is a specialized field of dentistry which helps improve the teeth or the appearance of the face through the use of various dental procedures. While other people think of it as a separate specialization as compared to the typical dentistry, it is not and it is just a special field of dentistry.

Now let us go back to the teeth whitening procedure. Should you undergo such a process, keep in mind that it is not an overnight treatment. Your dentist, just like what Dr. Jonathan Hartley will also normally do, is he will initially examine your teeth and your general oral health. This does not only include the teeth but also the gums. If he determines that everything is in healthy condition, then that’s when he will proceed with the whitening treatment.

However, cosmetic dentistry is not just about teeth whitening. Other dental procedures that fall under this specialization are veneers, dental implants, and braces. Teeth whitening is probably the simplest procedure of the bunch. Veneers on the other hand are used to correct broken teeth while dental implants are used to restore lost teeth. And should you have teeth that are misaligned, braces can help put them back in proper alignment.

If you think your teeth have room for improvement, then by all means consult a dentist just like Dr. Jonathan Hartley. He will be in the best position to expertly advice you on what type of cosmetic dentistry procedure should you undergo. Just keep in mind that these procedures are often not cheap and are usually not covered by our health insurance. Extra caution should be taken in spending your money just to have a more beautiful smile.

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