Wonderful Growth Potential With Lean Muscle Building Programs To Fit Your Life-style

21st October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

How many people are discouraged with all the overbearing muscle building programs out there? For instance what if you workout at home and the program requires that you use very specific gym equipment? Maybe you have a serious lower back problem, but the workout you’ve found wants you doing dead-lifts. Why don’t we look at some BETTER options in muscle building programs!

The Type of Resistance Doesn’t Matter as Much as Many Would Suggest

Remember the “age old” argument that “free-weight training is WAY better for gaining muscle?” While it may be true that many large guys use free weights to add muscle, the same holds true for machines and even body weight training. Although MANY bodybuilders swear by free weights, there have also been MANY who have used Arthur Jones’ Nautilus equipment to REALLY bulk up! Don’t get hung up on machines vs free weights vs body weight. You’re muscles WILL see gains as long as you are PUSHING them.

“How should I divide up my workouts?”

Regardless of working out 5 times a week, or just once, you CAN get a complete and full-body workout that gives you everything you need. A lot of how you split up muscle groups between workouts depends upon how many days per week you can devote to training and how long each workout session will last. For example, a one-day full-body workout is obviously going to take longer (possibly even several HOURS) to complete breaking it into three or four days. But that’s not to say that you can’t still get some great benefits from muscle building programs tailored to fit into one day a week. You’re basically trading longer hours for less days. Personally, I hit the weights four days a week with a two-day split. This is just my preference. Just be certain to incorporate muscle building programs that fit into your personal calendar.

“Is there any benefit to less vs. more reps?”

Many people ask if low reps are best for building muscle or higher reps. Well my answer to that is that higher reps are great if you want to increase sarcoplasmic muscle growth. This is called sarcoplasmic muscle gain, which maximizes muscular fluid at the cellular level. Lower reps are better for gaining strength and increasing the density of a muscle. So for large dense muscles it pays to do high reps for a while followed by low reps for a while.

The Time of Day you Perform Your Muscle Building Program Makes Little Difference As Well

The nice thing about training in the morning is that you get it out the way. The downside is that your joints aren’t as warmed up compared to if you train later in the day. But as long as you’re careful, there’s really NO wrong time! Personally, I’m NOT one to get up for the “crack of dawn” workout that, for some, is the hard and fast “NORM!” (If I’m forced to get up prior to five in the morning, something PRETTY DARN IMPORTANT better be happening!)

Anyway, I really hope this has shed some light on some common misconceptions regarding muscle building programs. The bottom line is that you truly CAN see outstanding muscle gains with muscle building programs to fit your lifestyle!

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