How To Prepare Everyone For A New Addition To The Family

13th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Anyone who has expanded their family knows it is an adjustment for everyone involved. You should prepare for the transition by making sure everyone understands the changes ahead and the things that will remain consistent. Chances are good the people who will have the most difficult time adjusting to the new situation are the other children. Because they feel as if they have no control over the situation, and much of the attention that was focused on them will now be focused on the baby, they may have a difficult time accepting the change. This often leads to jealousy and acting out. Keep in mind that no matter how your new addition comes to you, there will almost always be plenty of time to prepare. If you are expecting, there will be several months to get ready. It also gives you time for organizing and getting ready for the change in your home. If you are trying to get pregnant through medical treatments and your child will come to you through IVF Oakville Ontario or infertility Oakville Ontario services, there will still be plenty of preparation time.

Should you be adopting or fostering a baby, there will be a period of time where you are filling out paperwork and getting things straight with the agency. Make sure you use this time to prepare everyone for the change and to make sure you are ready to take on a whole new responsibility.

Instead of worrying about the changes that lie ahead, prepare forthem. Understand how tough it is going to be on your other children preparing to be a big sibling. Talk with them ahead of time so they know what will be happening. Explain to them the baby will need a lot of help because they are not a big kid yet, so that is why it will seem like all your attention is on the new arrival.

If the big brother or big sister can claim independence, it will build their confidence and help them feel better. Explain that you are going to need their help once the new baby arrives and then allow them to help. Find age appropriate things the older sibling can do that will help them feel a part of things. Children love teaching and allowing them to show their sibling the ropes will help them adjust.

Finally, schedule time when you and the older children can still spend time along together. Every so often make plans with just the two of you and leave baby behind with your spouse or another relative. This way, your child will feel special because they are older.

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