Are There Any Real Dangers to a Hypnotherapy Program?

12th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You may have already come across advertising or an offer for a hypnotherapy session. If you don’t have in depth knowledge about this therapeutic approach, it is only natural to feel a bit ill at ease. One common question that people ask is whether or not the techniques involved in the approach are safe when performed by a psychologist Melbourne expert.

There are a lot of sources that might say that the procedure is indeed dangerous. This is because it has been linked to the traditional concept of hypnosis. This is usually what is featured in stage shows or television performances. A hypnotized individual would be portrayed as unable to control his or her responses and is at the mercy of the hypnotist.

From all appearances, hypnosis used in shows really does have dangers. You should know though that this is not the same procedure used during a hypnotherapy program. Real hypnotherapy does not remove a person’s will and sense of personal control. What the therapeutic process does is place the individual in a condition of heightened awareness in which he becomes more open to suggestions. This is also a state in which the subconscious comes into better light.

In effect, what the approach does is make the person more aware of what is going on in the deeper levels of consciousness. People don’t normally evaluate internal processes because most individuals are more concerned about responding to immediate daily external concerns. Once you become aware of what’s going on inside you though, you are able to gain more control over yourself.

In short, hypnotherapy is not the dangerous procedure that some people paint it to be. A hypnotherapy Melbourne session is really a natural and secure way to recognize life issues and arrive at solutions for them. You can use this form of treatment for a variety of conditions such as phobias, addiction, tension and insomnia.

Dangers only really come in when the therapist using the approach is not properly trained. In many places around the world, a special license is not a requirement to use hypnosis therapy. This does not in any way imply though that training is not important. Only a trained practitioner can choose the right techniques to help an individual tap his inner self for problem solutions.

A practitioner without proper training to execute a hypnotherapy program might not be able to make the right judgment call. They might for example use the treatment option on individuals who may be suffering severe psychosis or depression. These conditions may be addressed by this form of therapy but a more comprehensive treatment approach should first be formulated and evaluated by specialists licensed to deal with severe psychological issues.

The first order of business is to check how qualified your therapist is. This is a perfectly acceptable step considering that you will be placing your mental health under someone else’s guidance. Find out about your therapist’s training background and ask how long he has been using hypnotherapy.

The idea of undergoing a hypnotherapy session shouldn’t frighten you. It is not the same as the dangerous hypnosis that you see so often in popular shows. With a well trained specialist, you will gain the ability to find the solutions to your difficult life issues.

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