Hormonal Changes Cause Dental Problems In Pregnancy

8th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Adequate dental care is a must for a pregnant mother’s health as well as for the child in her womb.To ensure that your unborn baby’s teeth will be in excellent condition, you must take good care of your overall health and well being and give priority to your oral health as well. Having regular check ups with your dentist, proper brushing and flossing, avoiding fatty food and sticking to a nutritious and balanced diet are the steps to ensure this.

Babies already have their teeth forming even before they are born, their tooth buds appear during their fifth or sixth week in the womb while their tooth crowns start to form between the last part of the first trimester until their sixth month in the womb. The baby’s jawbone already holds the 20 primary or baby teeth once his mother welcomes him in this world. Even if the baby’s teeth crowns are already almost complete, the gums will hide these until the baby reaches the teething stage. Learn about great teeth whitening sydney.

Having loads of nutrients like phosphorous and calcium is much needed as the unborn baby develops his teeth.When you stick to a balanced nutrition, you and your child will obtain many essential nourishing nutrients. While in the womb, babies are unable to get their calcium from the teeth of their mother like what is generally believed. Follow your physician’s recommendations about diet during pregnancy, since he or she is familiar with your specific needs.

It has never been scientifically proven that a woman loses a tooth for every pregnancy she takes. Most expectant mothers suffer from tooth decay mainly because they take their oral health for granted and snack on too much sweets. Cases of tooth decay rarely occur in pregnancy while gingivitis or gum inflammation may be more likely. This dental problem known as pregnancy gingivitis is caused by the surge of hormone levels during pregnancy. This increase can trigger reaction of the gums to the plaque present below its gum line. Gum inflammation among pregnant women can be avoided by regular dental health check ups as well as cleaning dental despite hormonal levels.

It is not dangerous to receive a lot of dental care while pregnant. If an oral treatment is needed, it should be scheduled between the fourth and sixth month of gestation. Women suffer from problems such as anxiety, nausea or nervousness early on in their pregnancy.Pregnant women may find it tight to be seated in the dental chair for a long period as often prescribed. For these reasons, the second trimester is often the best time to receive treatment. If you want more comprehensive info on laser teeth whitening sydney that site will help you.

Dental x-rays are important diagnostic tools that help your dentist detect decay and other problems that may not be apparent in a visual inspection. Having a good dental care habits before getting pregnant will free you from x-ray examinations and other prenatal concerns. The need for an x-ray will be fine but with some safety measures for the woman, like making her wear a lead apron to protect the fetus and her womb, making sure that a narrow beam will be used and lastly, making certain that the exposure to radiation will not be that long. You can ensure that your child will have good dental health while you can save yourself from dental problems as well if you stick to the right diet and a good dental health regimen.

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Posted on: October 8, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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