Having A Body Cleanse Detox For A Happier Life

7th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

In ancient times, traditions were born of necessity. When found to be in the best interests of people in general, a practice such as fasting or meditation would be woven into the fabric of society and become a tradition. In Asia, the Chinese needed to lose weight after beefing up over the cooler winter months. This made a full body cleanse a ritual to prepare for the working months ahead, beginning with the dawn of spring.

Religions from all over the world have made fasting part of their belief system. In India, both Buddhist and Hindu religions have periods of cleansing. This is for purifying the soul, detoxification of the body and cleansing of the mind. They include meditation with fasting and then ease back into eating light healthy meals. In western religions, a traditional fast occurs at Easter time, the time of Christ’s Crucifixion.

In western countries weight loss is such a dire health issue the practice of fasting and detoxification is most importantly taken for the physical benefits. Losing weight, ridding the body of toxins and recapturing good physical fitness are the priorities. The spiritual nature of fasting is learned more through the disciplines of Eastern religions than the teachings of western culture or religion.

From a wellness point of view, it is essential to understand the dangers of undertaking a cleansing program that includes fasting. A few of the hazards to watch out for are not drinking enough water and not replacing the salts lost from the diet. These are easily taken car of if the person on the program is knowledgeable in the ways of health care and nutrition. A trip to the pharmacy before starting the fast will prepare them for a successful outcome.

One way of getting prepared to fast is to set goals to achieve which can become part of the dieting plan. Set the timing of the fasting period and have the right foods available for after. Including some spiritual practices such as meditation will help to keep the spirits up while the stomach is empty.

After the fasting process is over a person needs to come back to eating solids gently. Someone who has finished a fast should never go straight for the Donner Kebab shop and indulge in a huge meal. It is recommended to start eating solids slowly with the introduction of light meals.

Most people will maintain healthy eating habits for at least a few months after putting themselves through the fasting ordeal. An individual does not have to go so far as to become a vegetarian but following the old pyramid system of healthy eating is still recommended such as eating mostly fruit and vegetables, some cereals and breads, nuts, legumes and beans, less dairy and only a little oil.

They say the most content people in life are healthy and happy and there is no evidence to say that religion or any spiritual discipline is the cause of contentment. However, it is demonstrated in the physical vigor of the people that use fasting and a body cleanse that it makes for a rejuvenated individual. Try a full body cleanse and start revamp your body.

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