Effective Zits Treatment: Isolating the Underlying Causes Of Zits

4th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Acne is a very common skin disorder that affects millions of adolescents, young adults and grown ups at some point in their lives. Acne involves the blood vessels just under the surface of the skin, causing pus-containing lumps to break out on the surface of the skin. It is a persistent skin disorder that often comes back in more susceptible individuals. Acne usually gets worse in time if left unaddressed. Effective acne treatment involves remedial and control methods to put a check on the triggers and prevent flare ups from transpiring.

Pimples issues can genuinely impact your lifestyle, especially should you don’t treat it promptly. The very good part is the fact that you’ll find some excellent acne treatments accessible today around the chemists, which supply a safe, all-natural and helpful methods to treat acne without surgical treatment.

Be sure to apply the dos and don’ts to help you in your acne treatment so you can maintain clean and clear skin:


-Know what causes your acne, so discover your triggers. Isolating the triggers is the key step to arriving at a resolution to your acne problems. Oftentimes, acne is misdiagnosed as other types of skin disorders so appropriate identification of the indications should also be considered.

-Circumvent the stress. Periods of anxiety and tension can amplify acne flare-ups.

-Put your acne experience on record. Different people experience different trigger factors, so jotting down your symptoms, prior activities you engaged in that could have encouraged the flare, and all other pertinent data regarding your acne episode will be instrumental in working out a program for you. In time, you will be able to isolate your triggers and learn how to deal with them so you maintain clear skin by preventing a flare-up.

– Steer clear of the sun. For some people, sun exposure causes an outbreak so it is recommended to use a sunscreen.

– Confront your stresses and anxieties. Address them in a positive way. Engage in yoga and meditation classes to help you relax.

– See your doctor. It is prudent to consult your doctor before taking in any kind of medication. Only the expert knows the correct remedy for you.


– Don’t take alcoholic drinks. Alcohol can cause many skin irritations and disorders.

– Avoid saunas and baths or anything else that uses heat. Heat is a common trigger of acne so stay away from this type of activity as well. The same thing goes for eating hot and spicy food, and strenuous exercise during a hot day.

– Never buy oil-based mechandise. Never buy oil-based cosmetics. Opt for the water-based alternatives instead, as they are kinder to the skin and offer more protection.

Skin surgical treatments is both costly and obtrusive, as a result we usually recommend opting for an helpful treatment alternative when possible. This is the reason why people tend to suggest looking at clearpores today.

Acne treatment is a holistic approach, so it may take a bit longer for you to come up with the right remedy. Considering the dos and don’ts can help you in your hunt for the right acne cure.

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Posted on: October 4, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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