Can Wisdom Teeth Removal Help You?

3rd October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Many people have had their wisdom teeth removed. In a lot of cases, these individuals may have had accompanying negative stories both about having these teeth erupt and having them removed. Truthfully, there are many others who don’t really go through hell because of their wisdom teeth. If you feel perfectly well, do you still need to ask a dentist to extract your last molars? What do dentist Melbourne specialists say?

There are some obvious signals that will tell you to ask a dentist about extraction. If your gums start to swell for example or if you begin to feel pain, you may eventually have to go through a dental procedure. In a lot of instances, symptoms come out because you have impacted molars. This is the result of your gums not having enough space for more teeth in which case your molars may get crowded or stuck underneath the gums or bone.

If teeth are impacted, dentists may take steps to remove wisdom teeth. This is because the existing conditions can lead to more bacteria growth which can in turn lead to an infection. An infection that is left unattended can have significant consequences. Cysts may form or the gums and bones may eventually become irreversibly damaged. The best way to avoid severe conditions is to settle for extraction while the problem is still at an early stage or while it hasn’t even happened yet.

It’s easy to understand the logic behind taking early action. There may be no issues now but there is a possibility that problems will arise in the future. You should much rather want to prevent worst case scenarios rather than be put in the position to deal with them. While there are no problems yet, the process of wisdom teeth removal and your healing process will be easier and faster. A reputable oral health practitioner is the best authority to ask on the advisability and feasibility of extraction.

There are some unique challenges to the dental process. A patient’s case may become more complicated if a tooth is misaligned. There is also a possibility that it could have fused or irregularly shaped and positioned roots. Of course, one other daunting scenario is when the tooth is located below the bone. A dentist may then have to gradually extract by first making a flap on the gum and then removing a portion of the bone.

You shouldn’t fret too much because of the possible issues that may come out when you have wisdom teeth removed. You might just be like many other patients who don’t have problems with alignment or root placement and shape. Normally, all you may ever need is local anesthesia. Some individuals however who are too anxious about the dental process may ask to be treated under sedatives. This may or may not be a good choice for you so the best step is to ask your dentist first if you can take this option. Aside from sedative use, some specialists also recommend hypnosis, the advisability of which may again depend on your unique situation.

Patients differ somewhat on how well and how fast they heal. Usually though, the more basic the procedure, the more likely patients are to heal quickly. As part of the healing process, you will be asked to take medication for pain. Dentists also normally advise patients not to participate in overly rough activities.

You can’t expect to have a picnic when you choose to undergo wisdom teeth extraction. Keep in mind though that more painful problems can come up if you don’t consider extraction now. Consult with your dentist as soon as you can about your molars.

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