How Much Do You Know About Your Teeth?

25th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

We all have them, at some stage in our lives, south of the nose and north of the chin, yet, how much do you know about your teeth? Some answers on common teeth questions will be discussed here. Different functions come with different kinds of teeth. Your front teeth are also known as incisors.In shoveling food in, these incisors which are the sharpest, help. What you find near the corner of your mouth are what you call canine teeth. These function well in tearing and grasping food and their distinct characteristic are their long roots. Premolars are the ones situated behind the canines and the ones that crush food with their flat surfaces. In contrast to premolars, the molars have bigger and flatter surfaces and sizes than them. Food is broken down into small portions courtesy of these.

A tooth is composed of its crown and tooth, the two basic parts. About 66 percent of the tooth’s length is what the root comprises, while the crown is the one that you can easily see inside the mouth. Four different tissues make up each tooth. The enamel, a durable covering protects the tooth from the wear and tear of chewing. Yellow bone like materials covering the nerve fibers and supports the enamel is what is known as the dentin. The blood, lymph vessels and nerves are found in the center of the tooth known as the pulp. You will gain a deeper understanding about sydney dentists by checking out that resource.

Pulps are the parts of teeth that transmit signals to the brain and ensures the teeth are nourished properly. Our teeth are connected to the jaw bones by the one that covers it, the part known as the cementum. A cushioning layer referred to as the periodontal ligament lies between the cementum and the jawbone and helps connect the two.

Do you really know how braces work apart from the fact that it has become a popular tool in fixing the teeth?Speaking and chewing are properly promoted by straight teeth that also makes one look better. Crocked teeth with unnatural spaces are hard to clean and very prone to cavities. Tooth pains can easily arise from affected jaw lines caused by misaligned teeth.

Employing orthodontic treatments braces and retainers are good ways of correcting this. Orthodontic therapy comes in to exert pressure within an amount of time on the teeth that are crooked, growing out of their places and realign these. Braces consist of three main parts which include brackets that are attached to each tooth, bonding or band which is the material that attaches the bracket to the tooth and arch wire which is a thin, metal wire that runs from bracket to bracket. If you’re looking to learn about dental clinic, visit their site for more details.

These days, many patients with orthodontic needs can get braces that are transparent and can attach to the back of the teeth. Braces have come a very long way since the old days known as train tracks.After it has done its duty, retainers come in next. Teeth in their new positions are kept straight by mouth appliances called retainers. Small orthodontic concerns can be fixed by these. Beauty and overall wellness can be achieved by having straight and healthy teeth. We will have good health and plenty to smile about when we know all about teeth and how to properly care for them.

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