The Cold Sore Treatment

19th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Oral herpes, fever blisters are all various names given to the same ailment – cold sores which give rise to painful reddish blisters filled with fluid all around the mouth, lips and nose of a person. A cold sore occurs as a result of a viral infection, simplex type 1 (HSV-1) virus, which is contagious and stays life long in the human body. The virus can attack any time giving rise to ugly sores on the lips, nose or mouth and causing pain and misery with it.

While these sores are definitely ugly to behold the discomfort that arises from that are not due to their appearance but due to the pain and suffering it inflicts on the infected person. Yet there are ways in which one can get relief from availing cold sore treatment.

In a way you might say these sores are just like children who will always be there with you even if for some time they may not be apparent in your life. First it must be understood that like children these sores will not completely vanish or disappear from your life but can only be controlled for some time in as much the same manner as controlling unruly children. However, cold sore treatment will prevent its tenure, longevity of stay and its effect while it is in its primary or peak stage.

The best known anti viral treatment for cold sores would be acyclovir available in the market in the name of Zovirax®. You may wonder why acyclovir is considered a good treatment. For the simple reason that it diminishes the tenure of the infection considerably, which is to suggest nearly 60% and ensures that, it does not get spread further to other areas of the body. Since the cold sores are very infectious, it is very important to try and contain them so as not to spread it to other areas or affect other people as well.

Personal hygiene routine should include regular washing of hands and ensuring that the affected areas are not touched frequently. Acyclovir can be taken either in oral medication or ointment form and some times, on the suggestion of a doctor, both for the effective recovery.

For effective cold sore relief visit our website and understand How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores Fast.

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Posted on: September 19, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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