Though Untested, Stress may have Negative Effects on Heartburn

18th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Officially stress hasn’t been identified as a reason for heartburn, but many sufferers think that their hectic, stressful lifestyles do make their condition worse. Actually, it’s very likely that stress causes modifications in our usual behaviors which often can cause heartburn. For example, when every day life is very hectic, we may eat too much junk food or even miss meals altogether. It’s fully documented that eating right, exercising, and getting plenty of sleep are necessary for wellness. Failure to fulfill these basic needs, especially over a period of time can lead to what causes heartburn.

Knowing these details about the sources of heartburn can help you get the situation in check. Some of the steps you can decide to tryto alleviate this health issue include:

* Eating a good variety of fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and fresh fish can give your brain the nutrients it needs to be able to deal with stressful situations.

* Avoiding foods you have already determined to cause bouts of heartburn, including items like sugar, caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol.

* Sleeping between 7 and 8 hours every night. If you ever deprive yourself of the sleep you should have, your stress level may become elevated.

* Getting plenty of exercise. This doesn’t mean you need to get out there and run five miles on a daily basis; however, you should get up out of that chair and get moving. Exercise will reduce your stress level, help with digestion, and help your system produce hormones that give you an increasingly positive mindset.

* Allowing yourself periodic mental breaks. Imagine yourself inside a happy place, and spend several moments concentrating on what you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel in this place. Even just a short break will help you relax.

* Meeting with your physician to ascertain if the medications you are taking might be causing the issue. It ought to be an easy matter for him to switch you to something that won’t affect you as negatively.

Job-related stress is often difficult to deal with, and 52% of heartburn sufferers report that this is a cause of heartburn. Some methods to alleviate your stress levels while at work include taking time to get a well-balanced lunch, eliminating trigger-foods in the diet, going for a short walk during your break or lunch hour, trying a heartburn medication and giving yourself chances to unwind during your shift.

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