Facts On Continuous Wear Lenses

16th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Extended wear contact lenses are made of water based polymer which means they feel as if a small amount of water on your own finger. 80% of extended wear contact lenses wearers use soft lenses since they’re so easy to wear that people do not get irritations from them. It’s fit well over the eye and can easily withstand a tough sports game because of that match.

Over the last several years, there have been many improvements in contacts. As a whole, contacts are the best alternative to wearing glasses. They are comfortable, don’t hang off your face, and above all – they are affordable. Among the many types of contacts available on the market, are the extended wear contacts. There are many benefits to these contacts, which we will go over.

Extended wear contacts are convenient, possibly even more so than the other types of contacts. With most types of extended wear contacts, all you have to do is keep them clean, put them in, then go about your normal day. You don’t need to clean them near as often as other types of soft contacts. Once you clean them they should last you for a long time before they need to be cleaned again.

One thing that you will notice when wearing extended wear contacts is that they are often not noticeable at all. They are so soft that you will wear them for days at a time and forget that you have anything in your eyes at all.

For a brief time period, extended wear contact lenses were out of favor witheye care practitioners because of the increased risk of eye infections associated with overnight wear.
When compared to other types of contacts, extended wear contacts are very safe. If you take the necessary time to take care of them as you should, they won’t harm your eyes in any way. If you use them correctly, they will serve you just fine. Keep in mind, you also need to visit your eye doctor on your regular appointments, as your eye examinations are still very important – even though your contacts may not affect you or bother you at all.

Although most extended wear contacts aren’t high in price, you need to still keep an eye open for the best deals. There are many makers out there who offer these varieties of contacts, some offering better value deals than others. Online you’ll be able to find lots of deals from lots of different makers, lots of which will not set you back a lot re cash. You may also find extended wear contacts regionally, although the Net is the most effective way to economize.

Before you decide to buy a pair of extended wear contacts, you should make sure that they are right for you. When you get fitted for your contacts by your eye doctor, be sure to ask him about these types of contacts and whether or not they are best for you. If you take the time to research what is best for you and look into your options – you’ll find that extended wear contacts may indeed be the best contacts for your money – and your health.

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