Love Handles Don’t have to be Hard to Lose

14th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

How much do you like your love handles, really? I would bet the bank that you don’t love your love handles at all. Truth be told you dislike that extra weight you carry around. And are made uncomfortable by your love handles. They can also be itchy and painful if they are growing quickly. Thankfully there is no rule or law that says you have to keep that extra weight hanging on your body. There are multiple options available to help you deal with your love handles. There are even options to help you lose the handles. Don’t stop reading now, keep going if you want to learn more.

Start out by moving around. Exercises that have low impact, like walking, are a healthy alternative. If you don’t want to leave your house, look into buying a treadmill. Set it up in front of your television set so you have no excuse. Something as simple as dancing to some good music is helpful. Being active is the important part, regardless of what you choose to do. Sitting around is not going to help you lose any weight. In the end, the only thing you gain by sitting around is more weight. And who wants their love handles to get bigger. There are both good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates. Fruits and vegetables are an example of good carbohydrates, providing you energy throughout the day. Bad carbohydrates are found in fat and junky foods and your body can do nothing with these but store them. Start by lowering the amount of bad carbohydrates you take in every day. It is easier for your body to use calories from good food than it does from empty calories.

Don’t believe those idiots who try to sell you a product that claims to target your love handles for quick results. They are not true. You need a routine that includes anaerobic, aerobic and weight training in order to truely benefit from your desire to lose your love handles. In fact, focusing solely on one exercise is a good way to build up the muscles behind your love handles. This can reveal more prominent and perky muscles and love handles. You are trying to lose them right? So why would you want to see this problem happen?

If you want to make your love handles a thing of the past, there are quite a few ways to accomplish this. Some people start taking on extensive exercise programs.

Eating a healthier diet and one lower in calories is another good approach. You may get even better results if you do both. Your doctor should be consulted no matter what actions you plan to take in this area. Your doctor will be able to help you make sure that you are approaching your weight loss correctly. You can definitely put your love handles behind you. You will be able to rid yourself of them, but you have to take the plunge and start living a healthier lifestyle.

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Posted on: September 14, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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