Food That You Might Consider iIn Order To Help Your Body Detoxify Itself

9th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Toxins and excess fluids are some of the worst enemies of the body because they trigger illnesses, unhealthy weight, and insufficient energy. The body has its own natural detoxification system that eliminates extra toxins and fluids. It is possible to improve your body detoxification system by eating foods which help clean the entire body and enhance its power. The following are seven detoxification foods that you need to include in your everyday diet.

1. Garlic – For thousands of years, garlic has been known for its benefits. True enough, garlic does wonders for the body. It cleans the blood, boosts output of detox enzymes in the liver, helping to lower hypertension. It is possible to eat it raw or add it to any dish. Garlic supplements are also a good alternative for detoxification.

2. Green Tea – You can obtain your everyday serving of anti-oxidants from green tea. Your bodyneeds an ample supply of antioxidants in order to eliminate toxins, and green tea does the job nicely. Green tea contains catechins, a unique antioxidant that boosts the detox function of the liver. On the subject of antioxidant you might also consider ortie (French article) as an alternative if you need to diversify your sources.

3. Fruits – Because fruits have high water content, they are a good asset in washing out toxins from your body. Fresh, dried, or frozen, fruits contain other elements important for body cleansing like vitamin C and antioxidants. To have an efficient body detox, it is recommended that you eat fruits by themselves not within a meal and before or after meals.

4. Green Leafy Vegetables – Plants aren’t the sole ones that require chlorophyll for survival. Humans as well need chlorophyll to get rid of toxins that originate from environmental factors like cleaning products, smog, chemicals, and heavy metals. Chlorophyll helps your liver detoxify your system. What better way to have chlorophyll than consuming leafy green vegetables? Your body will definitely thank you for it.

5. Omega-3 Oils – These oils, which are available in avocado, hemp, olive oil, and flax seeds, help to make the walls of the intestines lubricated. Such function enables the oil to soak up toxins and be removed from the body.

6. Ginger – This strong-flavored root crop boosts sweating and blood circulation, making it simpler for your system to detoxify.

7. Mung Beans – Employed in Ayurveda healing system for many years, mung beans take in toxin deposits on the intestinal walls.

Published by Sarah Bellarmine

Did you know that there are various other foods which may be good for you? Check out our website to get more information regarding stinging nettle (quinoa) (French article) if you need to improve your knowledge about this subject.

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Posted on: September 9, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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