How To Get Rid Of Your Belly Fat The Right Way

3rd September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Some people, in their quest for a trimmer waistline, think there are some best-kept secrets on how to lose belly fat, but the truth is getting rid of a protruding tummy is relatively simple. There are no costly weight loss supplements or tiring spot reducing exercises. It’s just about having proper eating habits and a regular workout routine. Continue reading to find how to blast your tummy fat simply and effectively.

Begin by embracing a healthy diet every single time you sit down to a meal. One thing that you really have to get rid of is junk foods. They’re loaded with sugar, which can really send your blood sugar level skyrocketing. The result? Hunger pangs that make you want to wolf down practically anything you can get your hands on.

Go for fresh fruits and veggies when you feel like snacking. They’re rich in vitamins and minerals your body needs. Also, they’re fiber-rich, which helps in sweeping out accumulated toxins inside you, most especially along the intestinal tract, which helps flatten the tummy. Cut back on bad carbs like processed food items and refined grains. When it comes to meat, go for lean cuts or organically grown ones. Pick healthy fat sources like olive oil, corn oil, etc.

Taking on a fad diet will yield no long-term result. This causes your metabolism to slow down, thereby making calorie and fat burning even more difficult. Instead of starving yourself, have small and frequent meals. They should be taken 5-6 times daily. Such will also keep your metabolic rate up and running. Likewise, eliminate alcohol from your life, as it goes directly to your belly as fats.

Other than having a healthy diet, you should make it a habit to exercise regularly. Fitness experts suggest doing it for at least 30 minutes a session, and it should be as frequent as 3-5 times per week, otherwise it won’t be that effective. Do you need to enroll yourself at the gym? Not necessarily. Even without spending a fortune, you can achieve a more flattering tummy area you can be proud of.

When it comes to the types of exercises to pick, go for aerobics exercises. They’re the ones that make your heart and respiratory rates zoom up. They can be anything from walking, jogging, sprinting, swimming, playing basketball, etc. They don’t have to be boring. In fact, they can be fun as dancing, or playing badminton or Frisbee with your kids.

Don’t think that doing crunches or other abdominal exercises all day long will shrink your protruding stomach. Spot reduction of fats is a huge myth. However, doing abdominal exercises is also important. As your tummy fats shrink, you need firmer and toner abdominal muscles to tighten the area. Some effective abdominal exercises include crunches, sit ups, leg lifts, squats and the like. Make it a habit, too, to pull your tummy in whether standing up or sitting down.

As you can see, the methods of how to lose belly fat are relatively simple. There are no expensive pills involved or radical dieting to put up with. All it takes is adapting a healthier lifestyle – a proper mix of healthy eating habits and regular exercising. Keep your fat loss commitment and motivation up, and your dream waistline will come to you after some time.

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