How To Efficiently Gain Muscle Without The Use Of Supplements

31st August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

For most people, the term “muscle gainer” refers to some sort of supplement or protein powder. You can certainly get some benefits from supplements, but you don’t need them when you’re trying to build muscle. People were gaining muscle long before a single supplement hit the market. One of the most effective muscle gainer combinations incorporates a balance of training and diet – and not a diet that requires excessive amounts of protein.

What’s Involved In a Good Muscle Gainer Workout?

The best way to gain muscle is through interval training over a period of time that works within a 6-15 repetition range, alternating with a 2-5 repetition exchange. The reason for this is that high reps build the fluid within the muscle cells and low reps build the actual muscle tissue of the muscle cells. Rapid muscle growth will happen as a result of increased cellular fluid; muscle strength and density are created by the added muscle tissue that is formed.

Your Workout Shouldn’t Combine Both High and Low Rep Training

Our bodies are smart and they really like to adapt to a set pattern, If you perform high reps and low reps within the same workout it will simply just get “sort of” good at each rep range. Have you ever heard of the saying “A Jack of All Trades and Master of None”? It is important to remember this while training. The best muscle gainer workout will involve a period of time lifting for cell volume in the high rep range and a period of time building muscle tissue in the low rep range.

Tip #3 – Alternate Method: Try Just Lifting 5 Repetitions Per Set

Very few guys in the gym follow the proven method of lifting for 5 reps for dense muscle mass. It really gives great results for those who do, however, because it will steadily increase the strength, density and muscle size of the lifter. Unfortunately, muscle growth will be much slower than for those who do the typical 6-15 reps method. The advantage is that the muscle that you do develop will be especially dense and well-defined.

Here is How a 5×5 Muscle Gainer Set is Structured

When doing 5 sets of 5 reps, don’t warm up using high reps. Instead, loosen your muscles with a weight that you can easily lift 10 times – but just lift it five times. On your second set, choose a weight that you can easily lift 8 times and only lift it 5. For sets 3-5, use a weight that is challenging for 5 reps, but don’t lift to failure. If you avoid failure you send positive feedback to your nervous system and will get stronger in the long run.

Keep Your Muscle Gainer Diet Simple

To be honest, you should eat about 1/2 to 2/3 grams of protein for every pound of your body weight. So for a man that weighs 200 pounds, he should consume between 100-130 grams of protein each day. The calories should be kept around 12 per pound of body weight. When you follow these simple diet and workout recommendations, you’ll soon discover that muscle gainer supplements are not necessary.

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