Primal Defense 180 Can Rejuvenate Everyone

31st August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Garden of Life Primal Defense is the perfect supplement for someone looking for whole food probiotics without having to worry about chemicals. The unique blend allows the user to enjoy a well-balanced and healthy internal body system. When looking to replace the probiotics that are removed from food during the disinfection, irradiation and pasteurization process, there is no better product on the market.

Probiotics are often referred to as the “good” bacteria. This bacterium allows our body to maintain its internal health and that actually does battle with the bad bacteria that are present. When this bacterium is at the proper ratio, the bad bacteria are deprived of both the space and nutrients that it needs to thrive. By doing this, the intestinal tract is able to maintain a high level of health.

Due to certain every day conditions of our lives, a person who appears healthy on the outside could be having intestinal challenges. Something as simple as taking prescription antibiotics or drinking water that is chlorinated can upset the internal balance. This is the perfect opportunity for someone to make use of the benefits of Primal Defense.

This supplement will allow the person taking it to experience a balance of both bad and good bacteria in their intestinal tract. There is also the added advantage of improving the overall health of the immune system. People do not realize how influential their intestinal health is to their overall well-being.

Most experts believe that probiotics are most effective when they are used within their natural food source. For this reason, Primal Defense is made from fermented whole foods. Because of the special fermentation process that Garden of Life uses, it enables key nutrients to be available and absorbed into the body when using Primal Defense.

When compared to isolated probiotics, Primal Defense comes out well ahead. Isolated probiotics do not contain the whole foods, fermented ingredients, Homeostatic® Soil Organisms, or mineral-based prebiotics contained in Primal Defense. Nor do they have multiple strains of the beneficial probiotics and their food sources, which are essential to obtaining their maximum benefit. In addition, isolated probiotic products often need to be refrigerated.

This particular product is available in a powder form and a caplet, for those who are already used to taking their supplements in this manner. When taking the caplets, it is important that they be taken on an empty stomach and with at least eight ounces of water. The powder form is also taken with water, but blended in and should be taken three times a day on an empty stomach.

It is no secret that things such as chemicals, herbicides and pesticides change the overall balance of the bacteria that is in the soils where we grow our foods. Primal Defense probiotics allows the user to get the balance that is thrown off because of this back into their system. The benefits of taking Garden of Life products are not only a healthier intestinal tract, but a healthier immune system as well.

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