Things you Ought of do to Make Sure of Clean Drinking Water if Disaster Strikes

29th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as established a lot of guidelines for people to utilize in the event of a critical situation where your water service got interrupted. Unfortunately, even though the agency gives sound, life-saving advice, most people don’t bother to take some time to read and assimilate the material. Therefore, if a disaster strikes, and power services are also out of commission so that residents can’t get onto their computers to get the info they need, they may be lost. Although all of us think a disaster could never takes place, we must recognize that we need to be prepared for any “what ifs” life throws at us.

Precisely what could you do in case a tornado struck, damaging your dwelling, disrupting all your utilities, and you just finally realized it might be days before you could get some assistance? One of the first needs you’d encounter is that of clean, fresh water. After a disaster, local water sources, like ponds, lakes, and rivers can’t be trusted. You never know what could have blown into that water, and you certainly wouldn’t like your family members drinking it. Some people will probably be fortunate enough to have a supply of bottled water available. If this supply wasn’t contaminated by the storm, it will meet your immediate needs.

It is advisable to recognize that if there is a disaster, you will have a run on any supermarkets that remains standing, and there definitely won’t be enough bottled water to go around. That is why it’s good to plan ahead and keep some stored in your house, preferably on the lower level within the area you would go to if there are a storm warning. You also need to bear in mind that although boiling water makes it safe, if your utilities are disrupted, you won’t have any way to boil water. Aside from having a portable water purification system, pre-planning to cover a thing that may never happen is by far the best choice.

A very important factor the EPA does inform you of is the fact that in times of disaster, you’ll want to find out what the water filtration companies are saying and water supplies. They are able to provide you with more relevant information based on your own particular situation. For example, there may be a well you’re unaware of but which you can access to acquire the water you will need. Therefore, it’s wise to have a battery-operated radio within the part of your lower level where you will go to enable you to get any emergency information which may be broadcast.

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