North Carolina Home Security Alarm – See That Your Loved Ones Are Safe

15th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

When your home is burglarized you suffer emotional and psychological damage, as much as you suffer financial hardship. There are some simple steps you can take on your own to prevent a burglary. More sophisticated measures such as installing alarms, deadbolt locks, and other devises may need the help of a professional to be installed properly. Fortunately, there are a number of well qualified North Carolina home security professionals you can call upon to help you secure your home.

The most important step in preventing burglaries is to make your home just too difficult for a burglar to waste their time trying to enter. Most burglaries are not random. In reality, a burglar is looking for certain characteristics in choosing their victims. These characteristics are a residence with easy access, with nobody home, an easy way to escape, and some cover so they cannot be seen. You will deter a burglary by arranging things at your home that fail to meet these characteristics. Simply put, make your home just too much trouble to try to break into.

The most vulnerable entrances into your home are garage doors and back doors. In addition, these ports of entry provide the most cover. Always keep your car door locked even when it is parked in your garage. Do not leave valuables lying on your car seats or in view. All entrance points should have a solid core or metal door, with a heavy-duty deadbolt lock with a one-inch throw bolt.

A locked door can easily be kicked in if it doesn’t have a four-screw high security strike plate installed with 3-inch wood screws with the bolt driving deep into the door jam. A burglar will probably just walk away when they see a door secured in this way. Sliding glass patio doors can be very easy to break into unless there is a secondary blocking device installed. Through-the-door pins or upper track screws should also be considered for sliding glass patio doors. It is important to keep the latch mechanism and rollers in good condition and properly adjusted. Always put alarm service, neighborhood watch, and beware of dog decals on doors and windows.

Burglars love open windows. Windows, particularly first floor windows, should never be left open or unlocked. Install secondary blocking devices on even upper floor windows if they can be accessed by climbing a tree or balcony. Install a blocking device that won’t allow windows to be opened more than six inches. Check to make sure doors cannot be opened by reaching through a window.

Getting to know and working with your neighbors is a great way to fight crime. Arrange with your neighbors to have mail picked up, lawns mowed, and cars periodically parked in driveways when people are gone for extended periods. Keep an eye on each others properties and alert the police if you see anything suspicious. Make your home appear to be occupied even when it isn’t. Never hide your house key outside. Instead give a copy to a trusted neighbor.

Have the exterior of your house well lighted with infra-red motion sensor lights in the rear. Entryways and pathways should be well lighted. Criminals hate light because they do not want to be seen. Use timers to create the illusion that your home is occupied when you are away. Have the timers turn lights on and off in logical patterns. Timers can be used to turn on TV sets too.

The best home security plan is making your home a bad risk and a difficult job for a criminal. Some aspects, such as coordinating with your neighbors and locking your car door, can easily by done without outside help. But when it comes to installing doors, locks, alarms and other devices, it is suggested you hire a North Carolina Home security alarm system professional. Luckily, there are many well-qualified and experienced Charlotte home security alarm professionals who would be happy to work with you in making your home secure and safe.

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