3 Drug Free Pain Relief Techniques To Relieve Painful Joints

14th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

As the body ages, joint pain becomes more common. This can mainly be due to the thinning of the cartilage and as a result arthitis starts to take a hold. Sure enough, we crave natural joint pain relief and strive to find that perfect solution that will allow us to carry on with our lives pain free. Here are a few ideas that may bring that sought after relief.

Use cold packs or hot packs for drug free pain relief.

Although you may not like the sound of it, many people find relief through the use of ice packs. Fill a plastic bag with ice, wrap this in a towel, and place on the joint that is causing you pain. After only a few minutes the joint becomes numb and allows a freedom of movement that helps to free up the joint and allow it to move with less pain. One warning, do not keep the ice pack on the joint for more than fifteen minutes.

As mentioned, the use of heat can be very useful in reducing the amount of discomfort a painful joint can provide. A heating pad or hot water bottle can bring natural pain relief to sore joints. Heat increases the circulation, thus the fluid from a swollen joint can be removed by the blood stream and filtered out by the kidneys. Do not leave a heating appliance on a joint while sleeping or you may be burned.

Some joint pain sufferers find that the grain filled small pillows that can be heated in the microwave are useful in treating joint pain. The can be shaped to the joint and will not cause a burn if the sufferer suddenly dozes off.

Persons having a hot tub available can try a fifteen minute soak at night as well as in the morning. At night, you may become relaxed enough to get the sleep needed for your body to restore sore joints. Throughout the day you can have better mobility and reduced soreness.

There is also the option of using heating oitments, creams and gels. The effect is two fold. The massaging action when applying to gel helps with promoting circulation, which as mentioned above helps with reducing the swelling of the joint. Also the heat that these creams and gels provide will allow for termporary natural pain relief.

Be sure that you keep your joints moving, even though movement may cause pain. The worst thing you can do is allow a joint to become inactive. The movement promotes blood flow which in turn will reduce the swelling of your joint. In order to keep your joints moving, you may like to consider a warm water aerobics class at your local gym. This is a great from of light exercise that has been shown to help painful joints. The exercises have a low impact on the joints thanks to the increased boyancy in water. The warmth, as discussed above helps the joints to feel better and the water supports your body. Even individuals that are unable to exercise in other ways can take part in this type of benefitial exercise due to its low impact and strain required.

#1 Recommended Solution If you would prefer natural pain relief in the comfort of your own home, then perhaps a pain relief pen is for you.

Not simply will these pain relief devices help relieve your joint pain, they can be used on almost any sort of pain you may be experiencing. They can be used anytime and anywhere for a complete natural and drug free pain relief solution.

An example of this is the PainGone, which uses electroaccupucture to provide natural pain relief almost instantly.

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